Tag Archives: holidays

Our favorite articles about holidays, holiday food and gifts and more posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Gluten Free Cherry Pie Filling Recipe From Frozen or Canned Cherries

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Sometimes I need a can of cherry pie filling for a recipe. But DANG have you priced that little can of filling? And there’s often lots of filling but precious little actual cherry in those cans.

But it’s simple to make your own gluten-free pie filling using canned or frozen cherries. 

Homemade Cherry Pie Filling recipe using frozen cherries. #TexasHomesteader

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Quick & Easy: Rich, Chocolaty Hot Cocoa Recipe

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Don’t resort to the powdered stuff sold in packets. Homemade hot cocoa is delicious & only uses cocoa, sugar & milk – flavored with vanilla & a few miniature marshmallows floating on top. So easy! (and there’s a secret flavoring ingredient that intensifies the chocolate taste. shhhhh….)

Homemade Hot Cocoa Recipe - Rich, Chocolate #TexasHomesteader

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My Low-Waste Christmas Gifts

by Texas Homesteader ~
*contains affiliate link

Whelp, the holidays are over y’all. Our Christmas was grand, I hope you all had a great one too!  As I’m looking over the gifts so purposely given to RancherMan & me, I’m incredibly touched at the thoughtfulness of them.

Many of you like to give low-waste gifts so I thought it would be fun to share some of the fun gifts that RancherMan & I received. They were environmentally friendly low-waste Christmas gifts and very well suited to our tastes.

We received thoughtful low-waste Christmas gifts that were also environmentally friendly. Come see what we got! #TexasHomesteader

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Easier Way To Keep Christ In Christmas

by Texas Homesteader ~

This time of year is known for cheer and excitement. Trees trimmed with sparkly decorations & cheerful gifts under the tree.

It’s known for an awareness of sharing and giving to others. A gentle season pushing us to remove the focus from ourselves & think of others. 

But oftentimes there’s an uglier side too. Think about all the hateful rhetoric flung about on social media this time of year about Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays.

Sometimes it calls for action, snarkily responding to those wishing us a Happy Holiday that we want to hear only MERRY CHRISTMAS! 

It’s a well-meaning but oftentimes harsh push to keep Christ in Christmas. But that unnecessary ugliness is really disturbing to me.

Do you REALLY want to keep Christ in Christmas? It's easy to do without mean-spirited hatefulness or separating 'Us' from 'Them'! #TexasHomesteader

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