Tag Archives: cooking

Our favorite posts on cooking posted on TexasHomesteader.com

How To Make Homemade Meals Daily – The EASY Way

~ Texas Homesteader ~ 

I get asked this a lot:

“How in the world do you serve homemade meals every day??!!”

Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret – I use several shortcuts. And they could help you too! Serving homemade meals every day doesn’t have to be time consuming. There are lots of tips, tricks & easy shortcuts. Come see! 

Serving homemade meals every day doesn't have to be hard or time consuming. There are lots of easy shortcuts. Come see! #TexasHomesteader

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Now You Can Make Your Own Baked Pita Chips Too!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

You can quickly make your own pita-style chips using only flour tortillas, olive oil & a few seasonings. It’s true and it’s so easy!

I decided to make my own pita-type chips. A short 10 minute bake time and you can have your own inexpensive pita chips too. 

MYO baked pita chips using only 6 flour tortillas! A nice, heavy chip that holds up to dips or hummus. Nice & crispy too. Come see! #TexasHomesteader

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Grandma’s Kitchen: Old Fashioned Tips For Zero-Waste Living!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

How would grandma have done things in her kitchen? I’ve been seeing this question a lot on social media lately.

But it’s interesting food for thought, especially for those striving to reduce waste and save a little money too in their own kitchens. Let’s see how grandma would have done it. 

Did you ever stop and wonder "How would grandma do this?" Oh yeah, grandma was the queen of "Use Whatcha Got"! She got by fine without plastic & disposables. #TexasHomesteader

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5 Frugal Things: Discounts on Travel, Gifts, Food and Repairs!

Texas Homesteader ~ 

Today I’m sharing 5 Frugal Things I did to easily save some cold hard cash this week. Everything from discounts on travel, gifts, food and more. 

We all could use to save a few bucks these days, #amiright??! If you need a little inspiration yourself, check it out! 

Come see this week's 5 frugal things to save money. #TexasHomesteader

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