14 Quick Inexpensive Last-Minute Homemade Gift Ideas
by Texas Homesteader ~ Do you need a fast inexpensive gift idea? No worries, I’m sharing a fun list of super fast & inexpensive for gifts for children, neighbors, co-workers, groups and more.
by Texas Homesteader ~ Do you need a fast inexpensive gift idea? No worries, I’m sharing a fun list of super fast & inexpensive for gifts for children, neighbors, co-workers, groups and more.
by Texas Homesteader ~ Wouldn’t it be great to build a truly unique life with your own two hands? I used to just swim with the flow of life, going where the tide carried me. But then I decided there must be much more to life. I didn’t want to just take it as it […]
by Texas Homesteader ~ Do you hate the hodgepodge pile of stained plastic food storage dishes with their mismatched or missing lids? Me too. Ditch the Plastic! Glass jars are easy to repurpose for food storage. And being able to see the food in your refrigerator may slow down your food waste as well.
by Texas Homesteader ~ We’ve managed to reduce our landfill contributions over the years by using a few simple tricks. We’ve even been able to eliminate our trash collection service and associated fees. So the result has been positive for both our budget as well as the environment.
by Texas Homesteader ~ How do we keep our monthly income requirement LOW to be able to live this blissful life without a corporate paycheck? We’re often asked, “How in the world do you DO IT?” I’m sharing my tips below. Part 1 of a 2-part series!
by Texas Homesteader ~ Beat the heat! I’m sharing a few tricks to summer cooking without adding extra heat & humidity to our home. I’ve included cooler food choices, better slow cooker methods, outdoor grilling ideas, solar cooking options and MORE!
by Texas Homesteader ~ I make a simple but effective homemade laundry powder using just THREE simple ingredients. I’m sharing how to make it, how to assure your whites stay bright and the secret ingredient to make my homemade laundry powder clean so well. Now remember we live and work on a ranch so we’ve […]
by Texas Homesteader ~ Believe it or not, a shocking 30% – 40% of food in the United States is wasted! But it’s easy to reduce food waste and save some money in the process. Come see my simple tips.