Feeding Wild Birds On A Budget: The Surprising Benefits of Chicken Scratch

by Texas Homesteader ~   We love feeding the beautiful wild birds. So we used to buy the large expensive bags of bird seed at the big-box store. But those wild birds can really go through a lot of feed! We discovered there’s an oh-so-much-cheaper way to fill the feeder, y’all. Check out today’s Homestead Hack. 

How To Make Rice More Flavorful With FREE Vegetable Broth!

by Texas Homesteader ~  I make rice often. It’s inexpensive and lends itself to many different flavors of almost any meal. But I’ve found a way to make rice even more flavorful and nutritious versus cooking it in plain water. And it’s FREE! Use Whatcha Got is what I always say! Check out this Homestead […]

Homestead Hack: Obtaining Inexpensive Spray Bottles

by Texas Homesteader  Recently RancherMan & I needed a spray bottle to fill with iodine for our cattle from time to time, such as newborn calves’ umbilical cords, etc.  I hated to spend the money on a small lightweight spray bottle. But I found a trick to getting better spray bottles for cheaper. Check out […]

Speeding Up And Slowing Down

by Texas Homesteader You know, last year was a hard one for us as I was diagnosed with breast cancer – those frightening words no woman wants to hear.  RancherMan encouraged me to start a blog. Mostly I think to distract my troubled thoughts but also to give me a creative outlet during a prolonged […]