Cinnamon Sugar Candied Pecans – A Simple Recipe

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Everyone loves candied pecans! This simple recipe first coats pecan halves in whipped egg white, then with cinnamon and sugar. Just bake them slowly until browned and crispy. Sweet, salty and crunchy!

Plus, we like to give consumable gifts and these candied cinnamon pecans make a very fast and easy gift idea too!

Candied pecans cinnamon sugared pecans sweet, salty & crunchy #TexasHomesteader

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The Ultimate Generator Buyer Guide: Why We Chose A Portable Dual Fuel Generator

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

A power generator can help power your home in the event of an emergency electric outage. But we don’t rely on just one fuel option for emergencies. A dual fuel portable generator offers many benefits when the power goes out. We’ve researched it all for you – check it out.

Portable generator - dual fuel Westinghouse remote start emergency electric power. #TexasHomesteader

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Long-Lasting Comfort: Plant A Tree In Remembrance Of Loved Ones

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

At the loss of a loved one people often gather in remembrance in different ways. Some do balloon releases not understanding the significant damage balloons do to the environment and dangers to wildlife.

Instead, planting a tree actually benefits both wildlife as well as environment while being a source of comfort for years to come.  

Remembrance memorial tree planting - Pistache tree green leaves blue sky. #TexasHomesteader

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Taste of Fall: Fresh Cinnamon Spice Pear Cake Recipe

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

A cinnamon spice fresh pear cake captures the Taste of Fall with its moist texture, chunky pears and flavorful cinnamon. I’ve reduced the fat by replacing the oil with healthy applesauce. What a delicious way to use this season’s pears! 

Taste of Fall: FRESH PEAR CAKE. Pear cake?? It's delicious, all pear/cinnamon fall tasting. A great way to use this season's pears #TexasHomesteader

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A day in the Life of a Texas Homesteader

by Texas Homesteader ~

Much is going on these days here on our 100-acre Texas Homestead. We’re still dealing with a continuing gripping drought, I’m struggling to keep my fall garden going and we’re inspecting beehives & weaning calves. Come see what a day looks like for this Texas Homesteader.

Want to see what a day on a Texas Homestead is like? Come see! #TexasHomesteader

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