by Texas Homesteader ~
Don’t toss it – transform it! Breathe new life into old items by repurposing glass or plastic jars, holey socks, old blue jeans and more for helpful new and FREE purposes!
by Texas Homesteader ~
Don’t toss it – transform it! Breathe new life into old items by repurposing glass or plastic jars, holey socks, old blue jeans and more for helpful new and FREE purposes!
By Texas Homesteader ~
Saving money at mealtime oftentimes goes hand-in-had with helping the environment. Hey if I can save money and help the environment at the same time, how could I not be on board with that?
by Texas Homesteader ~
I like to use heirloom seeds for my veggie garden. But I still want to have seedling plants to actually place in the soil in the spring. What’s an enterprising country gal to do?
I bring out my “indoor greenhouse kit“. This kit is contains everything I need to get a jump start on the growing season… INSIDE!
by Texas Homesteader ~
To eliminate trash from coming into our home I’ve learned how easy it is to make some items myself. From spice mixes to yogurt to homemade soaps, it’s surprisingly easy & reduces the amount of packaging trash entering our home.
(have I mentioned lately how much I hate plastic??!!)