Tag Archives: inspirational

Our favorite inspirational articles posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Self Employment Benefits and Risks

by Texas Homesteader 

Working for yourself requires a special dynamic.  You must wear all hats – Public Relations Manager, Information Technology Director, CEO and CFO. And your paycheck doesn’t come at all unless you do your job well, even with circumstances that are beyond your control.

Last year we purchased our stocker calves the same as we do each year. We brought those calves home and gave them their health workup and immunizations. We poured them for parasites and castrated and dehorned where needed. Then we put those calves out on the most lush green winter pasture we had ever had. They were calm and happy, and they grew fat off of our careful attention to detail.

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What’s Making Me Smile These Days

by Texas Homesteader 

Life on the ranch is always busy.  I’ve written before about how pointless it is to wonder what’s on the agenda today, the day has a way of filling up all by itself!  When I was employed in the corporate world I used to get frustrated that my days seemed to blur together. I was being pulled in so many directions that I couldn’t enjoy any of it.

At that time I started making a conscious effort to stop and smell the roses.  Funny that even if you live in the most beautiful place on earth doing something for a living that speaks to your heart and soul, you still have to make a purposeful effort to slow-er-down sometimes and enjoy life around you.  Here are some things making me smile:

I love the subtle hints of spring I’m seeing now.  After the long cold season, that first burst of life from the trees is something I look forward to every year.  And it’s really hard to beat those blazing blue Texas skies!

Old barn. Times are tough for me with a frightening cancer diagnosis. But there's still much I see around me every day that makes me smile. #TexasHomesteader

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Beauty is Wherever You Look For It

by Texas Homesteader

When I lived in the city I noticed that between the ribbons of highway clogged with speeding cars filled with people in a rush to get somewhere there were often beautiful blooming wildflowers in the medians between the sections of 8-lane highways with their large concrete overpasses. I noticed how beautiful these cheery yellow blooms were even though these plants were deemed to be “only weeds” by the powers that be in median maintenance.

How many times had I myself rushed past this sight without noticing the simple beauty? It was then that I began to try to purposefully notice beauty around me. It’s hard to beat the sight of a healthy heifer calf hanging close to mom. Looks like she’s being a typical little diva – striking a pose for the camera.  (aaaaaand turn!)

Taylor-Made Ranch #18-3

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Half Full, or Half Empty – What’s Your Perception Of The Glass?

By Texas Homesteader ~ 

It’s an age-old question; Is the glass half full, or half empty? It’s a simple phrase but your perception of the glass actually says quite a lot.

Think about it: your perception of the glass says something about your very outlook on life. Therefore it’s a large part of how you experience each and every day.

What's your perception of the glass - Half full, or half empty? Your perception of the glass can provide comfort & optimism. #TexasHomesteader

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Living A Self-Sufficient Life: It’s Not Work If You Love What You Do

Texas Homesteader ~ 

I’ve always heard the term “Bloom Where You’re Planted” and I’ve put it to good practice. I was practicing self sufficiency even when I lived in the big city. Don’t wait, start now – wherever you are! 

Sunrise at Texas Homesteader. #TexasHomesteader

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Sunrises Forever - our way of life. Each day is a new blank canvas to do something GREAT! #TexasHomesteader

I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again: It’s such a blessing to live at a place where I’m greeted by this kind of beauty

“SUNRISES FOREVER” Where does the phrase come from? RancherMan & I use the sunrise theme throughout our daily lives.

Our philosophy is that every morning is a fresh start, a blank slate. Each day is a chance to take your yesterdays, learn from your successes or failures and make your today something special. If you try but fall short today, tomorrow is a new sunrise to try again.

Today, tomorrow and the next day there are brand new chances for happiness and fulfillment. Our wish for each of you is to take today and make it spectacular, then build on that when the sun rises tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, because there are SUNRISES FOREVER
