Tag Archives: holidays

Our favorite articles about holidays, holiday food and gifts and more posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Looking Forward – God’s Grace Sees Us Through Hard Times

by Texas Homesteader ~

Here we are once again at the end of one year and the beaming threshold of a brand new one.  I’m the eternal optimist by nature and look forward to each new year with anticipation of exciting things to come. 

Last New Year’s Eve was no different as my excitement of planning fun new directions for our Homestead danced in my head.

But we could have never known the breast-cancer diagnosis that was in store for me only a few short weeks after that hopeful new-year’s celebration.

What a trying year we've faced, filled with both fear and abundant blessings. Next year promises to be awesome! #TexasHomesteader
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Low-Waste Gift Baskets Are Beautiful And Functional!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Low-waste gift baskets can be beautiful and functional too. Make a food basket with reusable jars of homemade food and arrange it all in a handy organizer container. Brown paper can be composted or used in the fireplace. 

Zero-waste low waste gift wrapping idea - holiday basket. #TexasHomesteader

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How To Reduce or Eliminate Gift-Wrap Waste This Christmas

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Years ago I started exploring a more eco-friendly way wrap gifts. You know, one where we could still enjoy the festivity and fun colors but could also be easier on the environment (and our budget!)

Every household is different but here’s what we do. It works beautifully for us.

Less Waste Wrapping. There are easy ways to reduce the landfill-bound trash after Christmas is over. See what works for us! #TexasHomesteader
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Happy New Year!

New year, new goals. #TexasHomesteader

In January many people make New Year’s Resolutions; lose weight, save money, pay off debt, etc. Sadly most New Year’s Resolutions won’t even see the end of January. The main reason is because they include no plan for action. “I resolve …to lose weight” is a great resolution, but a better one would be “I resolve to exercise on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 1 hour per day”.

I like to make New Year’s Resolutions, although I call them goals. I make goals in several categories and then lay out steps to attain those goals. For instance “Expand the Garden” might be followed with the steps to attain that goal such as “add three new rows at east end of garden” and “Make trellis for climbing beans and cucumbers” If I have clear steps to attain my goals I’m much more likely to be successful.

What are your goals for 2013?
