Tag Archives: frugality

Our favorite articles about frugality, saving money & budgeting posted on TexasHomesteader.com

How We Save Seeds To Save Money On The Homestead

by Texas Homesteader ~

I have to have a garden every year. It’s just in my blood. My hands must be in the dirt, coaxing that young tender plant. The payoff is of course that home-grown produce to nourish our bodies. Healthy produce picked right before supper. Produce that I’m able to preserve for colder months, and share with others around me with my weekly #BlessingBasket.

I try to only grow heirloom plants in my garden. One of the main reasons behind this is so that I can save the seed to plant each and every year. You see, saving hybrid seed might not be productive. That’s because hybrid seed may not come back true to the mother plant the next year. But heirloom seed will!  You know exactly what you’re gonna get with heirloom seeds. Come see how I carefully put back that precious seed in anticipation of next year’s bounty.

I save garden veggie seed to plant each year. Come see how I put back that precious seed in anticipation of next year's bounty. #TexasHomesteader

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Making Egg Disks For Breakfast Biscuits – Your Own Convenience Food!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I like to serve biscuits with scrambled eggs, cheese and a breakfast meat to overnight guests. They call them BOBs (Breakfast-on-a-Biscuit). Making the pre-formed scrambled egg disk is easy.

The beautiful thing is I can make everything in advance & just assemble & enjoy.

BOB, or Breakfast on a Biscuit - is a quick company-worthy breakfast of scrambled eggs, thinly-sliced ham & cheese on a biscuit. #TexasHomesteader

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Going Green Is Easy. Tales of a Single Day of Greenery!

by Texas Homesteader ~

It’s no secret I have an environmental bend. But many people think that ‘going green‘ is complicated or requires special equipment. Here’s the good news – you don’t need special equipment or to do anything complicated to be Eco-friendly.

I thought it would be fun to rattle off things that are a typical day that just flow with my regular chores. No extra effort needed, no special equipment.

On this day we have a few errands to run and I need to make yogurt for breakfasts & a supply of boiled eggs for RancherMan’s snacking. Let’s see how smoothly this environmental thing can be done without much thought at all!

Going Green: What did YOU do today to give good Ole Mother Earth a big wet kiss right on the mouth??! #TexasHomesteader

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How To Make Your Own Homemade Minty Mouthwash

by Texas Homesteader ~
*contains affiliate link

I wanted to eliminate plastic bottles of mouthwash. Although I found many ‘recipes’ for making your own homemade mouthwash, often they’re overly complicated or use specialty ingredients I don’t want to have to buy.

What’s my battle cry? Yep, y’all remember it well: 

Use Whatcha Got!

Making my own Homemade Minty Mouthwash helps me toward the zero-waste lifestyle I strive for. And using only simple ingredients, too! #TexasHomesteader


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Homestead Hack: Reusing Plastic Bags In The Garden

by Texas Homesteader ~

I.  Hate.  Plastic. In our area of NE Texas, plastic bags are not recyclable. So I’m always looking for a repurpose use for plastic bags for times when they make it into our home.

Let’s take a bag of potatoes for example. When that bag of potatoes is empty it still doesn’t go to the trash. Nope, I’ve got another use for them. 

You know my battle cry: Use Whatcha Got!

Sometimes we buy a bag of potatoes. I've got another use for the bag in the garden. You know my battle cry: Use Whatcha Got! #TexasHomesteader

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Plastic Free July – Our Successes & Failures

by Texas Homesteader ~
*contains affiliate link

I’d never heard of plastic-Free July before, but I’m willing to jump on the bandwagon to eliminate as much extra plastic from our lives as possible. Now I hate plastic and I shun it every day anyway. But for me, it’s all about balance. If I stumble I don’t obsess about it, life’s just too short.

But I’m usually pretty successful in eliminating lots of plastic with super-easy changes. Come see ways I’ve been able to stop lots of plastic from coming into our home. Maybe you can pick up a few tips. 

We’d love to hear your tips too, be sure to share in the comments. We can all learn from each other!

Plastic Free July is going great. There are a few stumbles, but many successes. How do YOU eliminate plastic from your home? #TexasHomesteader

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Repurposing An Empty Coffee Canister: Dried Herbs

by Texas Homesteader ~

Coffee canisters are easy to repurpose for any number of things. And repurpose them we do!

Y’all know we love our coffee. We prefer Folgers to other brands of coffee. But at least their coffee canister is food-grade plastic. So in addition to other non-food repurposes, I’m able to do even more with it.

I can store large quantities of dried herbs in them.

Use those empty coffee canisters to store dried herbs. I have a huge harvest of dried rosemary stored to use in cooking & soap making. #TexasHomesteader

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