by Texas Homesteader ~
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A safety razor is a great zero-waste option! Don’t be afraid – although it’s true it requires a lighter touch when using a safety razor, they’re easy to use without cutting yourself!
by Texas Homesteader ~
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A safety razor is a great zero-waste option! Don’t be afraid – although it’s true it requires a lighter touch when using a safety razor, they’re easy to use without cutting yourself!
by Texas Homesteader ~
I needed a storage solution for my supply of straight-pins. It needed to be compact and allow me to safely retrieve my pins. I found the perfect repurpose – check out this Homestead Hack!
by Texas Homesteader ~
Keeping the grocery budget low & eliminating waste is important in our household. Oftentimes that means Planned Leftovers. But sometimes it’s just making Fast Food by reworking leftovers into a brand new dish.
When it’s time to plan a meal I typically look at what I have to be used and build a meal around those things. That way there’s no food waste. And if I’m using leftovers, the bulk of the meal has already been cooked. All that’s left is to do is to think outside the box and use a little leftover magic. Bibbidy-Bobbidy-BOO – let’s see what we can do!
by Texas Homesteader ~
It was gonna get into the low 20’s overnight so I brought in 6 plants I’d had outside. At least they’d be safe from the cold. But they were planted in repurposed red plastic coffee cans. I needed to put them at a southern window in our guest bedroom.
But ugh, such ugly planters for inside! Check out this easy Homestead Hack for making it all look nicer… Use Whatcha Got!
by Texas Homesteader ~
I hate junk mail, it’s such a waste of time and money. And it’s not kind to the earth at all. So I easily stop junk from hitting my mailbox in the first place. Thankfully it’s very easy to do. Come see how.
by Texas Homesteader ~
Do you need a small gift box? No problem! Did you know you can take last year’s beautiful Christmas cards and quickly turn them into cute gift boxes? It’s simple and it’s zero-waste. Come see how easy it is.
by Texas Homesteader ~
I use a repurposed cardboard tube to keep electric cords for my small appliances untangled. Use Whatcha Got! Check out this simple Homestead Hack.
by Texas Homesteader ~
It’s hard to believe we’re already in the waning days of 2017! And we’ve got a bright new year in front of us, full of possibilities & promise. But I’d like to take a moment & reflect on 2017 first. Today I’m sharing the top 10 homesteading posts of 2017. This list includes a few recipes such as no-knead Boule Bread and our favorite Planned Leftovers Meal – Carnitas Tacos. And it also includes some crafts such as making your own chalkboard labels with things you’ve already got. There are also some posts about interesting social observations that y’all really liked this year. Grab a cup of coffee & c’mon in, y’all!