Tag Archives: eggs

Our favorite articles about egg recipes posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Chicken Update: 21 Weeks – WE HAVE EGGS!

by Texas Homesteader

Back in April we bought day-old straight-run chicks. Three Black Minorcas for their larger body frames and three Ideal 236 for their larger egg-laying abilities.  After the chicks grew their feathers we put them in a mobile chicken tractor and moved them to fresh grass every day.  The chicks grew & grew!

When they outgrew the chicken tractor we moved them into the chicken coop in our 1880’s barn.  We let them out each morning to free range and locked them securely back in the barn each night.

The baby chicks now looked like grown chickens and Interestingly enough the Black Minorca roosters have different colored cheek patches.  We anticipated they would have large white patches and one of them does, but the other on has large red patches on his cheeks instead.

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Recipe: MYO Flavored Mayonnaise

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I’ve made our mayonnaise from scratch for years. An egg, some oil, lemon juice and salt is all it takes.

But RancherMan also sometimes asks me to flavor it with garlic for even more flavor. There’s so much flexibility when you’re making it yourself.

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