Tag Archives: cooking

Our favorite posts on cooking posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Wireless Bluetooth Meat Thermometer For The Grill or Solar Oven

by Texas Homesteader ~  

A wireless meat thermometer makes cooking meat to the perfect temperature a breeze. No wires means it’s easier to use in the oven, on the grill or even in my solar oven. And I monitor temperatures right from my phone!Wireless Bluetooth MEATER Meat Thermometer with smartphone app. #TexasHomesteader

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How To Make Self-Rising Flour In Less Than 1 Minute Using All Purpose Flour

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Does your recipe call for self-rising flour, but you only have all-purpose flour in your kitchen? No worries, you can make your own self-rising flour in 1 minute by adding only two tiny ingredients to all-purpose flour.

Check out this helpful Homestead Hack.

This Homestead Hack will show you how to make Self-Rising flour from all purpose flour in one minute! #TexasHomesteader

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Meal Ideas When Bringing Food For A Family

by Texas Homesteader ~  

Whether mourning a death in the family, dealing with illness or even just feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities of a new baby, those going through hardships are often comforted when others bring food.

I’m sharing a list of meal ideas to consider when taking food to a family, whether for illness, grieving families or ‘just because’.

The Gift Of Food: Meal Ideas When Bringing Food To Families #TexasHomesteader

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My Fresh Herb-Drying Setup – No Dehydrator Or Energy Required!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Using home-grown herbs elevates the flavor of any dish – the fresher the herb, the more intense the flavor!

The final harvest of all my fresh herbs from the garden happens just before the first killing frost of the season. Then I preserve them to use all year long.

I’ll show you the simple way I dry lots of fresh herbs with no dehydrator or even electricity needed. 

Herb drying doesn't need to take any energy or special appliances. Come see my herb-drying setup. #TexasHomesteader

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How To Spatchcock & Smoke A Turkey With Pecan Wood

by Texas Homesteader ~ 
*contains affiliate link

Have you heard of cooking a chicken ‘spatchcock’ style? That’s simply where you open the whole chicken and spread it out flat. It cooks much faster that way.

But we were wondering if we could do the same thing with a larger bird. Perhaps our holiday Turkey? So we sat out to experiment.

Spatchcock smoked turkey cooks much faster than a whole bird traditionally roasted in the oven. The flavor is deep and delicious. #TexasHomesteader

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