12 Easiest Tips Anyone Can Use To Save Money On Food!

by Texas Homesteader ~  I’m sharing 12 easy tips to save on groceries. Most of these tips are good for  your budget AND the environment. And it doesn’t get any easier than this – there are many super simple ways to make the most of your food dollars.

Is Cooking Like Grandma A Lost Art? How To Simplify Mealtimes

by Texas Homesteader ~  I can’t help but wonder – is cooking like grandma did becoming a lost art? It seems cooking today has just gotten so… complicated. Fancy recipes, processed foods, specialty ingredients and complicated cooking methods. It’s not the way grandma did it. Come see how to simplify cooking. 

Candy Snowman And Gloves – Last Minute Gift Idea & Cute Way To Gift Money

by Texas Homesteader ~  Need a last-minute gift idea? I love these cute snowman gifts that include candy and a new pair of gloves. I like to use one-size-fits-all gloves and a box of candy or larger candy bar. And it’s a fun way to present a cash gift too!

Voluntary Simplicity: Living More Deliberately, Embracing Minimalism

by Texas Homesteader ~  A Voluntary Simplicity lifestyle isn’t about deprivation & sacrifice. It’s not necessarily an EASIER life, but a simpler life. Slowing down, living more deliberately. A life that begs you to stop & smell the roses! 

Foraging Food & Eating From The Land For FREE!

by Texas Homesteader ~  Our homestead is located in Northeast Texas. There are lots of native things growing all by themselves here that provide for us with no effort needed except the harvesting. Gotta love foraging for free food, right??