Easy Bedspread & Clothing Repairs, Sun Tea and More

by Texas Homesteader ~ *contains affiliate link Five is not a large number, and 5 frugal things aren’t difficult for most households to accomplish. I’m hoping this short list of easy frugal things we did at our own home one day might inspire you to look at your own tasks. Perhaps you’ll start tackling just […]

No Corporate Paycheck? How Do You DO IT?? (part 2)

by Texas Homesteader OK y’all, yesterday we started a two-part series about surviving in self-employment mode without the benefit of a regularly-scheduled corporate salary infusion on the side.  I encourage you to read ‘Saving Money, Part I’ if you haven’t already! The topics covered were how important pre-planning is before you ever make this independence […]

Safety From The Storm – Part I: Seeking Shelter

by Texas Homesteader When RancherMan & I built our home here on the homestead, I was pretty adamant that I wanted an underground storm shelter.  I mean, I was born in & spent much of my childhood in Central Oklahoma. Although I loved it there I considered it tornado ally.  I remember many stormy tornado-warning […]

Grandma’s Kitchen: Old Fashioned Tips For Zero-Waste Living!

by Texas Homesteader ~  How would grandma have done things in her kitchen? I’ve been seeing this question a lot on social media lately. But it’s interesting food for thought, especially for those striving to reduce waste and save a little money too in their own kitchens. Let’s see how grandma would have done it. 

A Day In The Life Of A Texas Homesteader – Cattle, Chickens, Meal Planning & More

by Texas Homesteader ~  Many have asked what a typical day on our Northeast Texas Homestead looks like. Of course every day is different, but come along with me and see what a day in the life of this Texas Homesteader looks like today.

Old-Fashioned Money-Saving Tips From Grandma That Still Apply Today!

by Texas Homesteader ~  Grandma lived through the great depression. So she knew a thing or two about saving money while raising a family. And those same old-fashioned tips are still saving money for families everywhere today.  Come see a list of ways grandma saved money in her day, the same ideas you can use […]