Garden Update: April

by Texas Homesteader ~

Y’all know I have to have my hands in the dirt. I don’t have any control over it – that’s just something buried into my DNA. But do you wanna know a secret? I don’t really enjoy gardening (I know, REALLY??! gasp!) 

But it’s true. I don’t enjoy the planting, weeding, watering, maintenance, etc.  But I really love the harvesting and that makes it all worth the toil.

Harvesting fresh veggies from my own garden minutes before supper is healthier than veggies traveling all those miles to get to my supper table. Plus food this fresh just tastes better!  And I’ve often said that growing your own food is like printing your own money.  Pounds & pounds of fresh, organic produce for just the price of a small packet of heirloom seeds?  Yes please!

Wanna see how my garden is doing?  C’mon in, I’ll share my April garden update!

April Garden Update. Come see how my garden is doing. #TexasHomesteader

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An Emotionally Volatile Day For Me Today

by Texas Homesteader ~

Today as I do each year, I tiptoe into a powerfully emotional & volatile day. It’s the anniversary of the day I kicked breast cancer to the curb. First & foremost, I Praise God for my healing!

I’m grateful for my health but… this particular day each year just always sends me into pretty hard emotional turmoil.

Fear, dread, maybe survivor’s guilt? I don’t know, but it grips me each year. Hard.

As I celebrate the anniversary of the day I kicked breast cancer to the curb, I'm racked emotionally with some powerful feelings. #TexasHomesteader

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Three Sisters Garden: A Time Tested Native American Symbiotic Planting Strategy

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

A popular garden planting strategy often attributed to the native American Indians is the 3-Sisters Garden. It’s a symbiotic planting strategy.

Three different vegetables are planted together, each one benefitting the other and themselves too for a strong crop. Come see why.

The 3-Sisters Garden is a symbiotic planting strategy. Corn is a heavy feeder, so adding beans provides notrogen & the corn provides a stalk for the bean vine. Squash provides a living mulch to benefit all 3 vegetables. #TexasHomesteader

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5 Frugal Things This Week: Bird-Feeding & Garden Edition

by Texas Homesteader ~

We’re all trying to save a little cold hard cash these days. But sometimes it feels overwhelming just knowing where to start. And sometimes it feels if we’re not doing something grand to save wads of cash, we’re not really making an impact.

But I’m here to tell you there are small things you can do every day to save money. And they’re not big bold moves. The key is to make easy, effortless and yet effective decisions. A mind-shift change is all that’s needed. You need to look at your daily activity with a tilt on “I wonder if I could…” You’ll see what I mean. Come see 5 frugal things we did this week to easily save money.

5-Frugal Things: Bird-Feeding & Gardening Edition. It's easy to find little ways to save money. It just takes a different mindset. Come see 5 frugal things we did to save money this week. #TexasHomesteader

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How To Make A Denim Dish-Carrier Using Old Jeans

by Texas Homesteader ~
*contains affiliate link

I’m pretty eco-conscious, shunning excessive or unnecessary trash wherever possible. To replace flimsy disposable take-out containers I easily made a cute denim dish carrier using worn jeans. It was easy, even for my novice sewing skills! 

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