15+ Homemade Zero-Waste Options For A More Natural Clean

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Are you looking to easily make your own simple homemade cleaning products from items you already have in your home? Homemade cleaners are typically cheaper, more eco friendly and result in much less chemicals in your home too.

I’m sharing how I make everything from laundry products to body products to a non-toxic scrubbing powder. Check out this long list of homemade cleaning products! 

Natural home cleaning - make your own cleaning products and save. Bee in purple flower wild clover blossom #TexasHomesteader

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Is Cooking Like Grandma A Lost Art? How To Simplify Mealtimes

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I can’t help but wonder – is cooking like grandma did becoming a lost art? It seems cooking today has just gotten so… complicated.

Fancy recipes, processed foods, specialty ingredients and complicated cooking methods. It’s not the way grandma did it. Come see how to simplify cooking. 

Is cooking like grandma becoming a lost art? Simple, uncomplicated yet healthy meals are not hard to serve. #TexasHomesteader

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One-Pot Meal: Easy Instant Pot Spaghetti & Meat Sauce Recipe

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Instant Pot spaghetti is a fast & easy One-Pot Meal. After cooking the meat, just pressure cook for 8 minutes & allow to rest for 10. No danger of pasta water boiling over & making a mess on your stove. Just delicious spaghetti supper FAST. 

Instant Pot Spaghetti with meat sauce a quick one-pot meal #TexasHomesteader

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How To Feed Honeybees In Winter Months: Homemade Candyboards

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

How do you feed your honeybee hives during the cold winter months? It’s a different procedure than just feeding the sugar syrup like you do during warmer summer dearth months.

We easily make homemade honeybee candyboards to see them through the cold of winter.

Candyboard for winter honeybee hive feeding #TexasHomesteader

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My Favorite Simple Zero-Waste Health & Beauty Swaps!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Come see my favorite yet super-simple daily zero-waste health & beauty routines.

Zero-waste steps are good for the environment and oftentimes are less expensive too.  I make most of these items myself!  

Simple zero-waste health and beauty swaps. #TexasHomesteader

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Top 10 Self-Sufficiency Posts of 2021

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Are you wondering what our most popular posts of 2021 were? Well it was everything from easier homemade recipes to gardening tips to saving money and MUCH MORE.

Grab a cup of coffee and settle in for some good reading, y’all. I’m sharing the best of the best!

2021 Best Homesteading Posts Self sufficiency, save money, DIY #TexasHomesteader

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Candy Snowman And Gloves – Last Minute Gift Idea & Cute Way To Gift Money

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Need a last-minute gift idea? I love these cute snowman gifts that include candy and a new pair of gloves. I like to use one-size-fits-all gloves and a box of candy or larger candy bar. And it’s a fun way to present a cash gift too! Snowman gift gloves, candy and cash Christmas present #TexasHomesteader

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How To Make Homemade Jerky Strips & Snack Sticks

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

It’s surprisingly easy to make Homemade Jerky using a mixture of ground meat, seasonings and ‘cure’. You can use either ground meat or strips of steak to make jerky. We particularly enjoy making  wild-game jerky using venison and elk.

Homemade jerky made easy using ground beef or wild game meat #TexasHomesteader

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