Category Archives: Relationships / Humanity

Personal or familial relationships or living in a community of humans with different values. #TexasHomesteader

Surfside Beach, TX: Make Time To Spend With Family

by Texas Homesteader ~

In a continuous push to purposefully spend more time with our family, RancherMan & I always look for opportunities. We have a tradition to drive to one of our kids’ homes once a month to have dinner together & spend the day with them. They fix whatever they’d be having for supper that day, but with two more servings to accommodate RancherMan & me. We bring something to go with the meal such as dessert, a side dish, or maybe a bottle of wine – hostess’ choice!

We also try to drive to Oklahoma when we can to visit my dad, or to west Texas to visit my favorite aunt & uncle. There’s an important message here:

Spend time with the ones you love. If life is busy – make time! Tomorrow is never promised…

But recently RancherMan & I enjoyed a weekend at Surfside Beach on the Texas coast with several family members. What a special time! And RancherMan really loved the beach fishing too. (Always wearing his cooling UV-Protective Shirt of course)

Beach fishing. Make time to spend with family! Life's short and there's no promise of tomorrow. Recently we spent family time at Surfside Beach, Texas. #TexasHomesteader

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My Journey May Not Be Your Journey – And That’s OK!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

It’s so puzzling to me – visitors often apologize profusely for not being as environmentally sensitive as I try to be. WHY??! My journey may not be the same as your journey – and that’s OK!  

We all have causes we're passionate about. But my journey might not be your journey. Wanna know a secret? That's OK! #TexasHomesteader

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Inheriting Grandma’s Fine China: Decoding The Generation Shift For Family Heirlooms

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

You value your family’s heirlooms. But it seems we can no longer be sure future generations will be interested in receiving grandma’s finer things. A generation shift could make it harder to pass grandma’s stuff to your kids. Read my thoughts about the difference in typical life for different generations. 

Newsflash: Junior may not be interested in receiving grandma's fine china. A generation shift might make it harder to pass grandma's finer things to your kids. #TexasHomesteader

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Snap Judgement: All Is Not Always As It Appears…

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

More & more these days people hear a story and then jump on social media making sure everyone knows about this apparent injustice!

But it’s important to get the facts before sharing a story. Jumping to conclusions is a big mistake because all too often everything is not as it appears. 

Come see a story that could have easily been misinterpreted. Remember, everything you see or hear is not always as it appears! #TexasHomesteader

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September 11th – We Will Not Forget

by Texas Homesteader ~

September 11th has become a somber day of remembrance. What were YOU doing on that fateful day?  I’ve written before about my experience with that horrible day. September 11th, 2001.  A day I’ll never forget.  Do you remember where you were on that day?

My prayers continue for our beloved country, that we may always remember who we are. We're Americans. That's what's important! #TexasHomesteader

But although those memories are painful, they’re still part of our history.  In those days of horror there was a real, shining thing to see.  We witnessed real American moxxy.  We came together as a nation.  We dropped our petty bickering about the trivial matters of the day and we came together to help each other.  We quit being ‘Us’ and ‘Them’ and just became Americans.  Strong.  Proud.  Americans.

My prayers continue for our beloved country, that we may always remember who we are.  We’re Americans!


C’mon by & sit a spell!  Come hang out at our Facebook Page . It’s like sitting in a front porch rocker with a glass of cold iced tea.  There are lots of good folks sharing!  And you can also follow along on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram

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Hurricane Harvey Severe But We’re TEXAS Strong!

by Texas Homesteader ~

Our fellow Texans to the south of us on the Gulf Coast really took a lashing when hurricane Harvey came to shore.  He powered to shore at 9:45 Friday evening as a monstrous Category 4 hurricane just northeast of Corpus Christi. It looks like Rockport, TX took a direct hit.  Texas Governor Greg Abbott said that his primary concern remains “dramatic flooding” as the storm treks slowly inland.  Homes & business are completely destroyed, electricity is out for thousands. Many roads are impassible and damage is severe.

But Harvey doesn’t know you don’t mess with TEXAS.  We’re all one big family and we’ll band together to get through it…

We’re TEXAS Strong!

Our fellow Texans to the south of us on the Gulf Coast really took a lashing when the hurricane came to shore. But we're TEXAS Strong! #TexasHomesteader

If you’d like to help show your love to those affected by Hurricane Harvey you can donate through the American Red Cross .  At their site you can also find out where to give blood or volunteer.




C’mon by & sit a spell!  Come hang out at our Facebook Page . It’s like sitting in a front porch rocker with a glass of cold iced tea.  There are lots of good folks sharing!  And you can also follow along on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram

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Public Safety: Restaurant Repeatedly Blocking Fire Exits??

by Texas Homesteader ~

While traveling out of town to visit my aunt & uncle back in March of this year, RancherMan & I stopped into a very popular tourist restaurant, The Big Texan Steak Ranch. It’s a fun place with lots of energy and the food is delicious. 

Oh and they’ll fill your growler with some of their specialty beers. You know RancherMan is all over that!

And their claim to fame is that if you can eat a whopping 72-oz steak with all the fixin’s in an hour you get your meal for free. (YIKES!) That challenge has been tried (and failed) many times.  A few times someone’s actually been successful! (again, YIKES!) LOL

But as we were sitting at the table enjoying our meal I looked around the room. The dining room is semi-dimly lighted and tables are placed end-to-end in long rows.

But right there by our table was the fire exit. I was shocked to see it was blocked by all manner of table-bussing trash and castaways. There were chunky high chairs stacked so high in front of the fire extinguisher you’d have to don your Superman cape, fly over and somehow move them all just to get to it. 

And the door itself was blocked with chairs, folding trays & menu trash. Wow. With the layout of this large dining room, this could be a disaster waiting to happen!

A Blocked Fire Exit? Wherever you are, in any restaurant - if you SEE something SAY SOMETHING! The Life You Save Could Be Yours! #TexasHomesteader

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