Category Archives: Garden

Gardening in Texas hardiness Zone 8a

Three Sisters Garden: A Time Tested Native American Symbiotic Planting Strategy

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

A popular garden planting strategy often attributed to the native American Indians is the 3-Sisters Garden. It’s a symbiotic planting strategy.

Three different vegetables are planted together, each one benefitting the other and themselves too for a strong crop. Come see why.

The 3-Sisters Garden is a symbiotic planting strategy. Corn is a heavy feeder, so adding beans provides notrogen & the corn provides a stalk for the bean vine. Squash provides a living mulch to benefit all 3 vegetables. #TexasHomesteader

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Stop Garden Weeds With Biodegradable Weed Block

by Texas Homesteader ~
*contains affiliate link

Biodegradable weed block for your planting rows in the garden? Yes it’s really a thing! And it degrades by the end of the season to just mix back into your soil. I’ve been able to source it for free using repurposed feed sacks.

Biodegradable weed block for the garden? As it turns out, it's really a thing! And it degrades by the end of the season to just mix back into your soil. I hate the plastic weed block, this more natural material appeals to me! #TexasHomesteader

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Stopping Invasive Bermuda Grass At Last!!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

As anyone who’s battled (and LOST) the war with Bermuda grass in their flower beds knows, it’s almost impossible to eliminate.

The underground rhizomes break easily, leaving the next generation of Bermuda-grass-misery ready to thwart your best efforts again and again. But I’ve found a solution!

Bermuda Grass is notoriously hard to control. When it creeps into your raised beds, heck you've lost the war! Come see how we're protecting our raised beds with grass barrier. #TexasHomesteader

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Homestead Hack: Propping Tender Seedlings

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Here in NE Texas (zone 8) I typically plant heirloom seeds in my ‘Indoor Greenhouse’ in February and transplant those heirloom seedlings into my garden after the danger of frost has passed.

But when I place my tender seedlings in the garden I need to find a way to protect them from the wind. (and free-range chickens)

You know my battle cry: Use Whatcha Got, y’all! Check out this Homestead Hack.

I needed a way for propping tender seedlings to protect them from the wind. You know my battle cry: "Use Whatcha Got!" Come see this Homestead Hack #TexasHomesteader

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Garden Update: May – Bull Damage Recovery

by Texas Homesteader ~

Y’all remember last month the bull hopped the garden fence & tromped around the wet soil decimating my newly-planted garden?  Well I smoothed down the soil best I could and basically had to start over.   Because of this damage my garden was now waaaaaay behind schedule!  But I’m hopeful I’ll be still be able to harvest lots from my garden this year.  Come see the damage recovery report for May.

Last month the bull decimated my newly-planted garden. There has been some recovery, yet some failures. Come see my May vegetable garden update: Bull Damage Version! #TexasHomesteader

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