Category Archives: Eco Friendly

Eco-Friendly, earth friendly steps everyday.

Ditch The Plastic! Using Glass In The Refrigerator

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Do you hate the hodgepodge pile of stained plastic food storage dishes with their mismatched or missing lids? Me too. Ditch the Plastic! Glass jars are easy to repurpose for food storage. And being able to see the food in your refrigerator may slow down your food waste as well. 

Ditch the Plastic! Glass jars are easy to repurpose and being able to see the food in your fridge may slow down your food waste as well #TexasHomesteader

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How We Reduced Our Household Trash – A Few Simple Tips!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

We’ve managed to reduce our landfill contributions over the years by using a few simple tricks. We’ve even been able to eliminate our trash collection service and associated fees. So the result has been positive for both our budget as well as the environment.

PREcycle recycle, compost reducing landfill waste plastic trash #TexasHomesteader

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Things I No Longer Buy At The Store To Save Money & The Environment

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

There are many things that I no longer buy at the store such as cleaners, convenience mixes, garbage bags, paper goods, etc. I’m typically able to make do (quite nicely, actually) with what I already have here at home.

I’ve found it just took looking at things in a different way. Come see what I no longer buy at the store. 

Things I no longer buy at the store - trash bags, cleaners, mixes, etc. #TexasHomesteader

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Celebrate Earth Day with These FREE Activities

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

By now most of you know Earth Day is April 22nd each year. It’s a special day to highlight being kind to our environment – it’s like Mother Nature’s birthday!

There are lots of gifts we can give to Mother Nature, most of ’em are FREE. Come see my faves.

Happy Earth Day, y'all - it's like Mother Nature's Birthday. There are lots of gifts we can give to Mother Nature, come see my faves. #TexasHomesteader

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How To Make Your Own Fertile Raised Bed Soil For Vegetable Gardens

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

You can make your own garden soil using natural methods such as Hügelkultur or lasagna sheet mulching styles. There are many benefits such as significantly reduced costs, easier maintenance, increased soil fertility & drought resistance. Don’t worry, it’s EASY! 

Make your own garden soil hugelkultur sheet mulching raised beds eco friendly #TexasHomesteader

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12 Easiest Tips Anyone Can Use To Save Money On Food!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I’m sharing 12 easy tips to save on groceries. Most of these tips are good for  your budget AND the environment. And it doesn’t get any easier than this – there are many super simple ways to make the most of your food dollars.

Homestead pantry stocked with food in glass jars. #TexasHomesteader

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15+ Homemade Zero-Waste Options For A More Natural Clean

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Are you looking to easily make your own simple homemade cleaning products from items you already have in your home? Homemade cleaners are typically cheaper, more eco friendly and result in much less chemicals in your home too.

I’m sharing how I make everything from laundry products to body products to a non-toxic scrubbing powder. Check out this long list of homemade cleaning products! 

Natural home cleaning - make your own cleaning products and save. Bee in purple flower wild clover blossom #TexasHomesteader

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