Tag Archives: health & beauty

Our favorite articles about natural health & beauty & homemade health & beauty products on TexasHomesteader.com

15+ Homemade Zero-Waste Options For A More Natural Clean

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Are you looking to easily make your own simple homemade cleaning products from items you already have in your home? Homemade cleaners are typically cheaper, more eco friendly and result in much less chemicals in your home too.

I’m sharing how I make everything from laundry products to body products to a non-toxic scrubbing powder. Check out this long list of homemade cleaning products! 

Natural home cleaning - make your own cleaning products and save. Bee in purple flower wild clover blossom #TexasHomesteader

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My Favorite Simple Zero-Waste Health & Beauty Swaps!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Come see my favorite yet super-simple daily zero-waste health & beauty routines.

Zero-waste steps are good for the environment and oftentimes are less expensive too.  I make most of these items myself!  

Simple zero-waste health and beauty swaps. #TexasHomesteader

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Homemade Dry Shampoo Recipe, Perfect For Camping – Only 3 Ingredients!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

This simple homemade dry shampoo formula uses only 3 standard pantry ingredients. To cleanse hair just apply to the hair’s roots and brush the powder away. Perfect lightweight formula for camping or hiking. 

I made my own dry shampoo in minutes using pantry staples I always have in my kitchen. It works great, check it out! #TexasHomesteader

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How A Bidet Can Be An Eco Win and Eliminate The Need For Toilet Paper

by Texas Homesteader ~
*contains affiliate link 

A bidet (pronounced bid-day) cleans with a gentle stream of water and can replace toilet tissue. There’s a definite cleanliness difference between using a bidet vs. toilet paper too. 

Our bidet features dual nozzles and adjustable settings. Installation was fast too. But there’s an issue with some toilet seats you’ll need to be aware of. (No worries, it’s a simple fix.)

I've wanted a bidet for years. We decided on a model that has dual nozzles and adjustable settings. Installation was fast too. But there's an issue with some toilet seats #TexasHomesteader

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Soap Grows On Trees! Using Soapberries For A Natural Shampoo

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

The Western Soapberry Tree (or Sapindus saponaria ssp. drummondii) is native in North America. I make my own all natural zero-waste shampoo with the berries I harvest. It’s all I’ve used for nearly 10 years now.

Using Soapberries for a natural shampoo is easy on your hair and easy on your budget. It's true - soap really DOES grow on trees! #TexasHomesteader

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