Tag Archives: frugality

Our favorite articles about frugality, saving money & budgeting posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Homemade Cold-Process Soap: Morning Motivation MINT!

by Texas Homesteader ~
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I was recently asked to give a talk to a delightful women’s group about the procedures of homemade cold-process soap. Of course there’s no way for me to actually make the soap as part of the presentation.

Not only would mixing lye not be wise in an unknown setting but start to finish it takes about 2 hours to make the soap. (although once the lye & oils are combined it comes together in only about 20 minutes) 

What??!  You don’t think I could be entertaining enough to engage a group of strangers for 2 whole hours??  LOL

So RancherMan & I decided to make the soap in advance. That way the soap could cure for 6 weeks before the presentation. We would be able to send everyone home with a sample of the finished soap all ready to use. But what soap shall we make??

After pondering a bit I decided to put that rambunctious mint to good use and make a mint-scented soap. I think I’ll call it “Morning-Motivation Mint”!  Come see how we did it.

This is a very easy recipe for a good homemade cold process soap. Morning-Motivation Mint Cold-Process Soap - Refreshing! #TexasHomesteader

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Monthly Sugar-Free Challenge – Cold Sweet Treat

by Texas Homesteader~
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Recently we were honored to have a guest poster, Ashley share her experience of going through a full month with No.  Refined.  Sugar! 

In her post about going through Week Two of that challenge she shared with us a quick & easy hot-weather treat – Healthy Sugar-Free ‘Ice Cream’ made with frozen bananas and berries.  Check out this recipe for a nice cool treat on a hot summer’s day that’s actually GOOD for you…

Healthy Frozen 'Ice Cream' Treat Using frozen berries & bananas. Creamy like ice cream & flavors are endless. Curious? Check it out. #TexasHomesteader

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Homestead Hack: How To Keep Track Of Gift Card Balances

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Maybe you’ve received a gift card recently and are anxious to put it to good use. But how often do you use the entire value of a gift card the very first time you use it? Not often, right?

RancherMan’s discovered an easy way to keep track of the balances for gift cards.  Check out today’s Homestead Hack.

Easily keeping track of gift card value balances. #TexasHomesteader

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How To Harvest Mammoth Sunflower Seeds

by Texas Homesteader ~
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This year I planted the sunflowers along the chicken fence side of the garden. Those huge sunflower plants offer shade during the heat of the day for my chickens. Oh, and our bees love them too.

That’s a lot of bang for my package-of-seeds buck! But now it’s time to harvest those sunflower seeds. Come see what I did.

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Using Natural Materials: Straw In The Garden

by Texas Homesteader ~

I like to use natural materials in my garden. Things such as straw, wood chips Dry Leaves or even grass mulch after RancherMan mows the lawn and bags the cut grass. (be sure to let that freshly-cut grass cure a bit before adding it close to your plants or it could burn them)

For instance, I have a grapevine that I’ve surrounded with three bales of straw. That straw serves a dual purpose. Its initial purpose is to protect my garden from encroaching bermuda grass.

Using Straw in the vegetable garden to preserve moisture. AND reduce weeds! Come see how a bale of straw does double duty. Nothing's wasted. #TexasHomesteader

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How To Line-Dry Sheets Outside On A Windy Day

by Texas Homesteader ~  

Do you struggle drying your clean sheets outside due to the wind? You know the drill, you fight to get the sheets onto the line. Then the wind catches them & makes them want to set sail into the next county!  

But I’ve discovered a secret to keeping the sheets on the line on windy days! 

Sometimes it's hard to dry your sheets outside due to the wind. But I've discovered a secret to keeping the sheets on the line! #TexasHomesteader

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