Tag Archives: food preservation

Our favorite articles about food preservation, canning, dehydrating and more posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Solar Cooking: Dehydrating Garden Produce

by Texas Homesteader
*Contains an affiliate link

I love my solar oven and I use it often. I love that it takes no purchased energy to run. And most of all I love that it leaves all the cooking heat outside where it belongs. 

Recently I began dehydrating overage veggies from my garden. I freeze them as well from time to time but dehydrating them looks pretty cool in my pantry. It also reduces the volume to store by quite a  bit and it works well for use in wintertime Endless Soups – my favorite application.

I decided to try to use my electric dehydrator trays to dehydrate in my solar oven – BIG MISTAKE! Although I left the solar oven’s lid unlatched so it wouldn’t get too hot inside the oven, it apparently doesn’t take very much heat at all to do this:

Did you know you could use a solar oven to dehydrate produce? Then they take no additional energy to store & take up very little space! #TexasHomesteader
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Preserving The Harvest: Jujube Fruit

by Texas Homesteader
*contains affiliate link

I recently wrote about stumbling upon an overgrown orchard at an old homestead property we obtained. The extension agent and master naturalists identified the trees as Jujube, the fruit is also known as Japanese Dates. 

I read that the fruit can be dehydrated and used in the place of raisins. This really appeals to me as I’d love to replace something I purchase with something I preserve myself. 

So I experimented with several methods of preserving this sweet fruit.

The old trees at the abandoned homestead were Jujube Fruit. I experimented with different ways to preserve the fruit - come see! #TexasHomesteader
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Preserving The Harvest: Oregano

by Texas Homesteader 

I try to harvest and preserve all the fresh herbs I can. I finally got some oregano to grow. In addition to harvesting and using as much fresh oregano as I can, I also plan on preserving it for future use.

My dehydrating procedure is simple and requires no special equipment. Come see how easy it is to preserve oregano.

Preserving Oregano. Italian seasonings are my favorites. Because It tastes better fresh I like to grow and preserve my own. #TexasHomesteader

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Harvesting, Preserving & Using Fresh Thyme

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I’ve discovered my favorite herb to cook with is Thyme. It’s so versatile and it adds a delicious flavor to so many different dishes. And the price of growing fresh thyme in your garden is so much less than buying it – plus it’s much fresher!

Fresh thyme in metal bowl in front of wooden birdhouse. #TexasHomesteader

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