Tag Archives: crafts

Our favorite crafts & how-to articles posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Cherishing Their Paw Prints: Simple Pet Memorial Idea To Honor A Beloved Pet

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is never easy, but as a pet owner it’s a path that you’ll probably experience for yourself at some point (if you haven’t already). Our pets become part of our family and when they pass it’s heartbreaking.

Many people like to create a simple tribute at the burial site for their pets as a final keepsake. Come see what we did to honor our beloved pet. 

After losing our beloved mini-Schnauzer Bailey we made a comforting memorial for her. #TexasHomesteader

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Candy Snowman And Gloves – Last Minute Gift Idea & Cute Way To Gift Money

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Need a last-minute gift idea? I love these cute snowman gifts that include candy and a new pair of gloves. I like to use one-size-fits-all gloves and a box of candy or larger candy bar. And it’s a fun way to present a cash gift too! Snowman gift gloves, candy and cash Christmas present #TexasHomesteader

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