Tag Archives: calves

Posts about a calves or cattle and Texas ranching on Texas Homesteader’s website. #TexasHomesteader

Helping Other Ranches with Artificial Insemination

by Texas Homesteader~ 

We utilize bovine artificial Insemination on our ranch when we want to mix up our herd pedigrees, blend breeds, or perhaps have a special cow deliver an extra-high-quality calf, etc.   I’ve written before about various ways AI is very beneficial to the rancher, especially for smaller ranches where it’s often more difficult to buy & maintain a high-quality bull for just a few cows.

RancherMan is a certified A.I. technician. And we also have all our own AI equipment including medications, nitrogen tank, bull semen straws, etc. So we sometimes perform A.I. jobs for local ranches from time to time.  We recently received an email asking for help with a local man’s heifers. After a few emails & phone calls the schedule was set to begin in a few weeks. We prefer to use a 10-day timed synchronization program & we wanted to follow the heifer protocol to offer the highest possibility for successful breeding.

RancherMan's a certified A.I. tech & we have our own AI equipment. So we're able to perform A.I. jobs for local ranches when requested. #TexasHomesteader


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Come With Me For A Day At The Homestead

by Texas Homesteader~

I’ve had many people tell me they wonder what a typical day at a Texas ranch might be like.  So last year I published a post detailing a day in our lives here in our NE Texas paradise.  But that was during the heat & drought of summer, a very different kind of day than in the cold of winter.

So I thought it would be fun to let you walk around with us today to see what a day at the ranch is like when it’s c-c-c-cold outside!  C’mon, put on your mud boots, bundle up in your heaviest coveralls, grab your gloves & follow me – it’ll be a blast!

Walk around with us today to see what a day at the homestead is like! Put on your mud boots, grab your gloves & follow me - it'll be a blast! #TexasHomesteader

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Failed Fences, GOOD NEIGHBORS!

by Texas Homesteader 

Panic sat in when RancherMan came rushing into the house saying he found the pasture gate open and the two weaning heifers were missing. 

We frantically searched the barn paddock and the south pasture, tree lines, creeks, etc. but they were nowhere to be found. Apparently they had nosed the chain enough to unlatch the gate. Then they simply walked down our driveway, out to the road and disappeared.

With our hearts pounding we jumped in the car and started down our county road, quickly looking in the open pastures as we drove along. As my head throbbed, visions of potential outcomes were going through my mind.

What if they went toward the highway? Or they got hit by a car? What if someone got hurt? Where do we even start to look? What if we can’t find them?

Good neighbors come to your aid in times of need. Read what happened when we experienced Failed Fences But GOOD NEIGHBORS! #TexasHomesteader

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Weaning Day Done Properly

By Texas Homesteader

Aaahhhh spring! The grass turns a beautiful lush green and the trees start leafing out. And here at the Homestead it also means weaning time for the fall-born calves.

Weaning the calves from their mamas takes a huge nutritional drain off of the dams and allows them to regain their proper body condition in preparation for their next calf. It’s an important health step for a vibrant and healthy herd.

We like our calves to stay with their dam until they are at least 7 months old. But we’ve weaned early when the conditions warranted such as during a drought.

There's more to weaning calves than separating calf from dam. Preparation starts a couple of weeks before the separation ever happens. #TexasHomesteader

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A Day At the Homestead

by Texas Homesteader~
* contains an affiliate link

I’m often asked what a typical day looks like when you’re both living and working on a Homestead. Well I can say in all honesty that it’s NEVER boring!  It’s funny how it’s near impossible to plan with certainty what a day in our lives will look like. There are so many variables like weather, cattle illness, fence issues, etc.

But c’mon and tag along today & I’ll show ya what a typical day looks like for us here in our Texas paradise.

Wonder what it's like to live & work on a Texas homestead? Well c'mon down & spend the day with us! #TexasHomesteader

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Why Not Just Do It Right The First Time?

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Most of you already know that due to health issues I wasn’t able to raise my beloved batch of bottle baby calves this year as I usually do.

And as a result RancherMan purchased bottle-fed calves that had already been weaned to pasture so that I could still enjoy their cuteness.

(Oh how I love him for that)

Why not do things right the first time? We had the misfortune of dealing with an unscrupulous calf seller - lost 2 to disease & had to repair 2 botched castrations. #TexasHomesteader
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The Sad Side Of Ranching – Dishonest Sellers?

by Texas Homesteader~ 

Tough days. I love raising bottle babies each spring but my health prevented it this year. So RancherMan found someone selling a set of bottle babies. They had already been weaned to pasture so that I could still get a dose of that bottle-baby sweetness.

When they were purchased this spring they were brought to our Homestead. Not only to allow me to scratch their cute heads every day but also for us to monitor them to make sure they would all do well in our program.

As they grew larger we began moving them to our offsite pasture to finish growing.

It's a sad fact of ranching life that sometimes you lose an animal to sickness or injury but doubly painful when you lose a calf from the seller's omission #TexasHomesteader
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