5 Frugal Things To Save Money This Week: Crappy Fridge Edition!

by Texas Homesteader ~ RancherMan & I purchased all Frigidaire appliances when we outfitted our ranch kitchen.  The constant repairs on our Frigidaire microwave have been frustrating.  But more frustrating still is our crappy Frigidaire side-by-side refrigerator.  It’s by far the loudest appliance in our home with visitors stopping to listen and asking “Is that […]

5 Frugal Things To Save Money This Week – Restaurant Meal, Window Repair, Metal Recycling

by Texas Homesteader ~ I think it’s a beautiful thing that when I take steps to save money it almost always also has a positive environmental effect.  But it was a busy week for us and sometimes when life gets hectic I take shortcuts, which can have a negative effect on my environmental awareness as […]

5 Frugal Things To Save Money This Week – Credit Card Points, Sales Price Math, Efficient Errands

by Texas Homesteader ~ Spring is almost here in NE Texas!  How glorious to see things turning green, colorful flowers popping up and the temps warming.  RancherMan & I have been busy building new chicken runs and preparing the garden for planting.  We’re in Planting Zone 8 so I’m safe to drop the veggie seedlings […]

Things I No Longer Buy At The Store To Save Money & The Environment

by Texas Homesteader ~  There are many things that I no longer buy at the store such as cleaners, convenience mixes, garbage bags, paper goods, etc. I’m typically able to make do (quite nicely, actually) with what I already have here at home. I’ve found it just took looking at things in a different way. […]

5 Things I Did This Week To Save Money – Solar Energy Tip, Laundry Tips, Free Bark Mulch

by Texas Homesteader ~ We all wanna be gentle on the earth, right?  I mean c’mon, none of us open our sleepy eyes, stretch & yawn and stumble to the kitchen to sip our coffee while quietly contemplating how to single-handedly destroy the earth!  But sometimes the big picture is just so…  BIG.  “What could […]

5 Frugal Tasks Today To Save Money – Simple Dessert, Food Waste, Decluttering

by Texas Homesteader ~ RancherMan & I are able to live & work here on our Homestead – a place that speaks to our hearts – because we are very careful with our finances. You know what they say, “small leaks sink great ships” or, you know, something like that… Anyway, my point is that […]