4 Easy Ways We Reuse Bacon Grease To Save Money & Add Flavor

by Texas Homesteader ~  We don’t use bacon grease every day but it’s still a budget saver in my kitchen. Much flavor is added to typical staples too. Here are 4 very important ways I’m able to use bacon grease in various ways to save money in my Homestead kitchen.  

How We Survived A Financial Hit During The Holidays, And You Can Too!

by Texas Homesteader ~  It’s common for expenses to jump during the holidays. There are special gatherings to plan, gifts to buy, special foods, extra travel expenses and more. And then sometimes things happen in your life that you just couldn’t plan for. It’s time to tighten the belt even more. Come see my tips.

How To Get Around HOA’s Rules For A Voluntary Simplicity Lifestyle

by Texas Homesteader ~  Yes, you can still live the simple life, even in a Homeowners Association neighborhood. I’m sharing simple ways you might go ahead & live the simple life within HOA restrictions and hoping others will share what’s worked for them.