5 Frugal Things – Homemade Gifts, Equipment Repair, Too Many Eggs, etc

by Texas Homesteader ~  Summer is surely here, y’all. It’s HOT outside. So we’re mindful to get as many of our outside chores complete in the early hours as we can. And we take lots of breaks, drink lots of cold water and stay hydrated. Since our budget is so tight, we’re always on the […]

5 frugal things: Rainy Mud-Mire, Snakes, Western-Wear Sale Edition

~ Texas Homesteader ~ It’s been raining for weeks here in NE Texas. Everything is a muddy mess. EVERYTHING! Yes, it’s true that we’ll be begging for this moisture when the summer months come. But whether it’s no rain or too much rain – neither extreme is desirable. I sure wish Mother Nature would get […]

5 Frugal Things – Meal Planning, Garden Tips, Coupons & More

By Texas Homesteader ~ As it always is this time of year, this was a busy week for RancherMan & me. Between garden chores, PG checking cows, ordering new honeybee queens, doing hive splits, etc. we’ve really been working sun up to sun down. But even when the days are filled to the brim there’s […]

5 Frugal Things – Food Preserving, Dog Grooming, Decluttering & MORE!

by Texas Homesteader~  * contains affiliate link Living and working here on the Homestead means we have to be mindful of our expenses. But here’s the great thing – I have a hearty eco-friendly bend. I’m always watching out for ways to be gentle with Mother Nature. And I find oftentimes frugality goes hand in […]

5 Frugal Things This Week: Appliance Repair, Weather, Ebay & More

by Texas Homesteader~  Whew! The weather’s changing in Texas. One day it’s cold, blustery & rainy, the next we have gorgeous blue skies, sunshine and temps in the 70’s! How’s the weather where you are? Today I’m sharing 5 Frugal Things we did this week to save money. It’s easy to do and there’s been […]

5 Frugal Things: Food Waste, Free Landscaping, Cheap Equipment, Etc.

by Texas Homesteader~ *contains affiliate link Keeping your expenses low is often as easy as watching your everyday actions & looking for a way to accomplish the same thing for less money. And it’s often easier than you think! Today I’m sharing 5 frugal things we did this week to save cold, hard cash with […]