by Texas Homesteader ~
RancherMan & I were running errands in a nearby town recently and we decided to stop for a quick bite to eat.
It was raining and there were rivers of water running through the parking lot, so a close parking spot was nowhere to be found.
We parked at the end of the building and made a run for the doors. As we finally reached the doors drenched from the rain, RancherMan leaned forward to open the door for me as he always does.
“PLUNK” – The door was locked.
OMGosh for the love of PETE – someone please help this make sense for me. Why oh why do so many business have TWO doors to their establishments only to have one locked at all times??
And we’ve even run across some businesses that post a permanent sign to inform patrons to use the other door forever! WHY?? (smh)