by Texas Homesteader ~
You can easily grow stevia in your home’s edible landscape. Then you harvest the leaves to make your own home-grown sweetener. I’m sharing how to harvest, preserve & use Stevia.
by Texas Homesteader ~
You can easily grow stevia in your home’s edible landscape. Then you harvest the leaves to make your own home-grown sweetener. I’m sharing how to harvest, preserve & use Stevia.
by Texas Homesteader ~
Garden plants benefit from mulch to shade the ground. Not only does mulch moderate soil temps during the hot days of summer but it preserves moisture too.
For living mulch I use plants that grow in long vines along the ground. Check out this work-saving Homestead Hack, y’all!
by Texas Homesteader ~
RancherMan & I enjoy eating salads almost daily. I feel it offers two main benefits.
First that dose of fresh veggies is obvs gonna be healthy. And secondly, enjoying that crisp salad before supper puts my appetite in check by the time the actual entrée is served.
Plus, I can make a very Healthy Salad Dressing in only about 1 minute using unflavored yogurt and lemon juice as a base. So our salads are not only delicious but very healthy too.
But I hate how perishable lettuce is. And the fact that it’s always encased in plastic (at least where we live)
For Christmas I was gifted a windowsill salad growing kit, including two self-watering planters, seed-starting mix and a couple of packets of mixed salad greens. Let’s DO this!
by Texas Homesteader ~
Zero-waste seed starting pots using repurposed cardboard. Just plant seeds in repurposed cardboard tubes and when you’re ready to plant the seedlings you can transfer them – cardboard tube & all – right into the garden! The cardboard will decompose and enrich the soil too.
by Texas Homesteader ~
My garden planning method each year is EASY! I’m quickly able to plan crop rotation, see what I planted and where last year, companion-planting notes, the 3 Sister’s Method and MORE! Come see how I decide what vegetables to plant each spring.
by Texas Homesteader ~
Using home-grown herbs elevates the flavor of any dish – the fresher the herb, the more intense the flavor!
The final harvest of all my fresh herbs from the garden happens just before the first killing frost of the season. Then I preserve them to use all year long.
I’ll show you the simple way I dry lots of fresh herbs with no dehydrator or even electricity needed.
by Texas Homesteader ~
This time of year many are dealing with lots of falling leaves. But don’t send them to the landfill! They can be used to keep your garden soil healthy and suppress weeds.
That all adds up to a healthier garden with less work. What’s not to love??!
by Texas Homesteader ~
We’re always looking for ways to repurpose empty coffee cans. I’ve found a way to use them in the vegetable garden to keep my vegetable plants healthy & conserve water too.
Come see my water conservation tips.