Category Archives: Garden

Gardening in Texas hardiness Zone 8a

Texas Heat Superstar: Growing Malabar Spinach

by Texas Homesteader ~
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I love fresh spinach & I’m sure to plant it every year in my edible landscape garden. It’s beautiful, leafy-green and makes a lovely border. 

Oh, and you can EAT it! What’s not to love??!

But in our part of NE Texas the window of opportunity in enjoying fresh spinach is short. In no time our spinach bolts and becomes bitter. 

But I’ve recently been introduced to a completely different kind of spinach. One that grows vigorously in a vine. In the heat!

Malabar spinach!

Dark-green heart-shaped leaves that grow in a vine even in the Texas summer heat. Beauty, edibility and heat-loving staying power. #TexasHomesteader

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Vegetable Garden Update: August

by Texas Homesteader ~

Usually by August the vegetable garden is burned up & gone.  I’m typically all too happy to let it go instead of fighting and still losing the fight. But although it’s been hot & dry here in NE Texas, between me breaking my “no potable water on the ground” rule because of the cistern mishap this year (our hose split & emptied all the irrigation rainwater from our 18′ deep cistern), plus the fact that there have been just enough sporadic short showers to keep everything limping by, I’m still harvesting heavily every day.

Usually by August our NE Texas vegetable garden is burned up & gone. But this year I'm still harvesting heavily every day. #TexasHomesteader

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Homestead Hack: Repurposed Plastic Jar For Deep-Soak Watering

by Texas Homesteader ~

Summer is hot & humid in our part of NE Texas & I’m doing all I can to keep my plants watered.  A cistern mishap involving a split hose drained all the rainwater from my 18′ deep cistern. WOW! So I’m trying to conserve water as much as possible.

I came across a large-mouth bottle with a built-in grip on the handle and a metal-center lid. Then the thought occurred to me – maybe I can use this to keep my container garden of spinach watered.

You remember my battle cry, “Use WhatCha Got!”. Check out this homestead hack.

Keeping Potted Plants Watered In The Summer. I've repurposed a wide-mouth plastic jar into a way to easily deeply water my potted plants. Check out this homestead hack! #TexasHomesteader

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Vegetable Garden Update: July

by Texas Homesteader ~

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WHEW – the temps have really heated UP here in NE Texas!  As it typically does during our summer months, the forecast has lots of 3-digit temps promised and no rain for weeks on end.  I’m doing what I can to keep everything watered, I’m using a *terra cotta stake using a repurposed water bottle to keep the porch planters watered, my rain barrel is so far keeping the back yard trees watered, but a mishap involving my cistern hose splitting and draining the entire rainwater content of our 18-ft underground cistern means I may have to amend my strict ‘no potable water on the ground’ rule.  So far other than the whole rainwater thing, the garden’s growing GREAT – come check it out!

My Veggie Garden Is Growing GREAT - I'm harvesting fresh produce each & every day! Come stroll through my garden with me. #TexasHomesteader

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Wordless Wednesday: Tall Corn!

by Texas Homesteader ~

Sing it with me, y’all:  “The Corn Is As High As An Elephant’s Eye!)

DANG, my corn has never grown this tall before!


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