Tag Archives: weather

Weather tag for posts at www.TexasHomesteader.com, a blog about Homesteading in Northeast Texas. #TexasHomesteader

Safety From The Storm – Part I: Seeking Shelter

by Texas Homesteader

When RancherMan & I built our home here on the homestead, I was pretty adamant that I wanted an underground storm shelter.  I mean, I was born in & spent much of my childhood in Central Oklahoma.

Although I loved it there I considered it tornado ally.  I remember many stormy tornado-warning nights that my parents would awake me and my siblings and place us in the hallway for safety from the potential hazards should a tornado come too close.

And it’s funny how those emotions carry with you into adulthood.  Even today although I absolutely love the rolling thunder and am awestruck by thick dark clouds. But when the wind kicks up I nervously pace.  And if it kicks up a lot I’m almost inconsolable.

Thankfully RancherMan can soothe me most times. But when you hear your tiny city mentioned on that radio followed by the words “Take Cover IMMEDIATELY”…   Well, I needed more than soothing – I needed SAFETY from the storm!

When bad storms hit I needed SAFETY from the storm! So we bought & had installed an underground storm shelter. #TexasHomesteader

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A Day At the Homestead

by Texas Homesteader~
* contains an affiliate link

I’m often asked what a typical day looks like when you’re both living and working on a Homestead. Well I can say in all honesty that it’s NEVER boring!  It’s funny how it’s near impossible to plan with certainty what a day in our lives will look like. There are so many variables like weather, cattle illness, fence issues, etc.

But c’mon and tag along today & I’ll show ya what a typical day looks like for us here in our Texas paradise.

Wonder what it's like to live & work on a Texas homestead? Well c'mon down & spend the day with us! #TexasHomesteader

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We’ll Get To It When We Get To It…

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Recently North Texas was hit with a powerful icy winter storm. Our area was hit especially hard. The ice built up so heavily on every outside surface that many large tree limbs were sent crashing under their icy weight. Even entire large trees were laid over, massive root ball and all. And any trees that were left standing are severely damaged.

The devastation was pretty harsh but thankfully it was also relatively localized. The town just 8 miles from us had little to no ice on the road 24 hours later. Although there was some ice on the trees in this nearby town & I’m sure some light power outages as well, they were back to business as usual pretty quickly.

Our utility company Sharyland let us down during a winter weather emergency. #TexasHomesteader

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