by Texas Homesteader ~
Did you know that you can substitute some (or even ALL) of the oil in your baked treats with applesauce? The result can be fewer calories, more fiber & vitamins and nearly zero difference to taste.
Whaaaaa….??? No, really!
by Texas Homesteader ~
Did you know that you can substitute some (or even ALL) of the oil in your baked treats with applesauce? The result can be fewer calories, more fiber & vitamins and nearly zero difference to taste.
Whaaaaa….??? No, really!
by Texas Homesteader ~
*contains affiliate link
RancherMan & I love this life we live in our little piece of NE Texas paradise. Oh it’s true we work many more hours than we ever did when we were corporately employed, but our hours are our own. It’s our decision what to plant in the garden or when we will wean the calves. It’s our decision whether to take up beekeeping or to plant winter pastures. The success and failure of this life we love is determined by our hard work, the weather and sometimes sheer luck. Being self employed is like that. But being self employed also means we no longer have that cushy salary and basketful of benefits. It’s a sacrifice we’re both more than happy to make.
One of the things that makes this life possible even with much less income is being very mindful of our expenses. Oh I’m not saying we don’t spend money and that when we do we don’t strive to buy the best quality we can afford. But small leaks sink great ships. So I’m mindful of those small leaks. Here are 5 frugal things we did this week.
by Texas Homesteader ~
Any gardener knows that compost is ‘Black Gold‘. But for those just starting out, there’s often some hesitation.
You’re rotting things in a pile, doesn’t that stink?
The answer is: No!
Well actually, yes and no – the result depends on you. Don’t worry, it’s easy to make compost that smells only like rich planting soil!
by Texas Homesteader ~
Life is busy & days seem so crammed that many people struggle to keep a tidy house. But maybe there’s an easier way. We can learn to clean like grandma did.
I’m nowhere the housekeeper grandma was, but here are a few things we do here on our Homestead that grandma would surely approve of…
by Texas Homesteader ~
We use wood ash as a natural way to reduce or eliminate mites on our chickens. We get happy hens using something that was previously just wasted.
I’m far from a chicken expert, but I thought I’d share what we do to keep our girls happy & mite free.
by Texas Homesteader ~
Recently we received some really beautiful garden-fresh strawberries. Oh the beauty of them! I decided I’d use them to make one of my favorite desserts – strawberry shortcake!
But in the past I always bought the little round shortcakes wrapped in plastic when I’d made strawberry shortcake. This time I wanted to make it all from scratch.
So I sat out to find a recipe I liked. I found one on the AllRecipes site that looked pretty straightforward so I decided to give it a try. I mean, these beautiful strawberries deserve the best #amiright??
by Texas Homesteader ~
Rubbing alcohol has natural antibacterial properties. So it makes an easy way to eliminate odors as a deodorant without harsh chemicals or extraneous plastic in my personal hygiene routine.
It’s easy, it’s fast and it’s cheap!
by Texas Homesteader ~
*contains affiliate link
I repurposed an empty coffee canister and turned it into a cute, red & black country-style breadbox. I love the way it turned out. And repurposing these empty cans makes my crunchy heart happy.
Do you have an empty coffee can? Want to make your own cute bread box? Well read on, dear friends.