by Texas Homesteader ~
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RancherMan & I love this life we live in our little piece of NE Texas paradise. Oh it’s true we work many more hours than we ever did when we were corporately employed, but our hours are our own. It’s our decision what to plant in the garden or when we will wean the calves. It’s our decision whether to take up beekeeping or to plant winter pastures. The success and failure of this life we love is determined by our hard work, the weather and sometimes sheer luck. Being self employed is like that. But being self employed also means we no longer have that cushy salary and basketful of benefits. It’s a sacrifice we’re both more than happy to make.
One of the things that makes this life possible even with much less income is being very mindful of our expenses. Oh I’m not saying we don’t spend money and that when we do we don’t strive to buy the best quality we can afford. But small leaks sink great ships. So I’m mindful of those small leaks. Here are 5 frugal things we did this week.