by Texas Homesteader ~
A sustainable garden is both rewarding and beneficial. I’m showing easy steps and practices for making your own thriving yet eco-friendly garden space. You can create a harmonious balance with nature right in your own yard!
by Texas Homesteader ~
A sustainable garden is both rewarding and beneficial. I’m showing easy steps and practices for making your own thriving yet eco-friendly garden space. You can create a harmonious balance with nature right in your own yard!
by Texas Homesteader ~
Sometimes the holidays turn into a highly-stressful time when expectations, expenses & time demands grow more & more unattainable each year.
If the holidays have become less than joyful for you it’s time to consider making some changes.
by Texas Homesteader ~
These repurposed denim coat-pocket-sized hand warmers are perfect for kids or adults alike! And they’re easily made using repurposed denim scraps, long-grain rice and a few drops of essential oil.
A few seconds the microwave and then tucked into coat pockets, they offer comforting warmth on a cold day.
by Texas Homesteader ~
Going on a picnic or BBQ cookout? Today I’m talking about Keeping Food Cold!
Food safety is important, especially if you’re bringing food from home when the weather turns hot. Come see my tips for keeping your cold dishes safely chilled on the cheap!
by Texas Homesteader ~
I’ve found a wonderful way to use little terracotta clay pots in my vegetable garden. They water my garden vegetables more deeply while they also conserve that precious water. Check out these tips.
by Texas Homesteader ~
Reducing waste in the grocery budget is a hot topic right now. Rushed parents and over-scheduled folks are doing the best they can to keep their grocery budget low in these days of high-priced groceries.
But the USDA estimates that between 30% and 40% of our food is ending up in landfills.
By Texas Homesteader ~
Come see what’s growing in my Homestead garden. And I’m sharing tips like my favorite garden-planning tool, two ways to get an early start on starting seeds, my favorite raised bed, the benefits of living mulch, making my own soil and MORE!
Let’s stroll through my NE Texas Homestead garden and see what’s going on…
by Texas Homesteader ~
You bought that solar light for your landscaped bed a few years back. But now it’s stopped working. Do you need to throw it out and buy a new one?
Not necessarily. More than likely it’s an easy repair! I’m sharing step-by-step instructions of what we did to repair our solar lights – with photos to make it easy.