by Texas Homesteader ~
Many have asked what a typical day on our Northeast Texas Homestead looks like. Of course every day is different, but come along with me and see what a day in the life of this Texas Homesteader looks like today.
by Texas Homesteader ~
Many have asked what a typical day on our Northeast Texas Homestead looks like. Of course every day is different, but come along with me and see what a day in the life of this Texas Homesteader looks like today.
by Texas Homesteader ~
Is There An Easy Way To Protect Your Backyard Chicken Flock? How do you keep your backyard chicken flock safe from predators? What if you can’t be there in the morning to open their coop or to close it securely at night?
Should you get automatic chicken coop door for your flock? What are the benefits? The drawbacks? I’m laying it all out for you here!
by Texas Homesteader ~
Every chicken raiser knows how important clean water is for their chickens. But chickens like to scratch, sending dirt everywhere. And the water in their fount gets dirty fast.
We came up with a system that provides our chickens plenty of water and that water stays clean. We made the water system ourselves for cheap and you can too!
by Texas Homesteader ~
It’s fun to raise your own backyard hens. And those fresh eggs can’t be beat! But if you’re not careful, raising those chickens can cost you a lot.
I’m sharing ways to shave the cost of raising your own chickens by using things you probably already have.
by Texas Homesteader ~
When the price of eggs spikes more people consider raising their own chickens. It’s a common belief that you’ll be saving money because if you’re raising your own chickens your eggs will all be free.
But if you’ve never raised chickens before you might not know what expenses to expect. I’m sharing approximate costs and some money-saving tips too!
by Texas Homesteader ~
How do you keep your chickens safe, even when you’re traveling? Chicken predators can attack any time, even overnight. Come see the steps we’ve taken to keep our chickens safe from dangerous predators.
by Texas Homesteader ~
Saving money can be simple. This week’s savings includes free fresh eggs, catching sneaky marketing tricks, a more efficient garden plan and much more. Come see this week’s 5 Frugal Things.
by Texas Homesteader ~
Did you know you could make a chicken feeder from a repurposed coffee can? Yep, it’s true.
You know what I say: “Use Whatcha Got!”. Check out this Homestead Hack & see how we easily (and with NO out of pocket) repaired our chicken feeder for many more years of service.