Easy Tips on Stretching Your Grocery Dollars

by Texas Homesteader~  Everyone is looking for ways to stretch their grocery budget these days. There are numerous ways to do this including using coupons to reduce prices of the things you purchase, buying generic products, etc. But today I’m going to talk about using the food you already have in your home.

Embracing A Zero-Waste Lifestyle To Eliminate Trash

by Texas Homesteader ~  To eliminate trash from coming into our home I’ve learned how easy it is to make some items myself. From spice mixes to yogurt to homemade soaps, it’s surprisingly easy & reduces the amount of packaging trash entering our home. (have I mentioned lately how much I hate plastic??!!)

Living A Self-Sufficient Life: It’s Not Work If You Love What You Do

Texas Homesteader ~  I’ve always heard the term “Bloom Where You’re Planted” and I’ve put it to good practice. I was practicing self sufficiency even when I lived in the big city. Don’t wait, start now – wherever you are!