Lessons From Loss: Simplifying The Stress Of Belongings For Those We Leave Behind

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Have you ever had to go through possessions in a parent’s or grandparent’s home when they moved into a nursing home or passed away? It’s overwhelming! We had to do that recently. But valuable lessons were learned.

How do we spare our family from dealing with that immense burden when the time comes for them to go through our things? You’re gonna want to read this, y’all. 

When a loved one passes, heirs come in to clean out the house. See the difficulties we ran into and what to do instead. #TexasHomesteader

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Easy Slow-Cooker Pecan Cluster Chocolate Candy Recipe: Melt, Mix, Dollop, DONE!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Pecan Clusters Chocolate Candy is perhaps the easiest candy you’ll ever make. And this recipe is made even easier by using a slow cooker. Just melt, mix, dollop & you’re DONE!

Pecan clusters chocolate candy made in slow cooker crockpot. #TexasHomesteader

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Minimalist or Self-Sufficient Family & Friends: Gifts They REALLY Want!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Minimalists strive for less consumption and simplicity in their lives & homes. So shopping for the minimalist on your gift list can sometimes be a challenge.  But have no fear, I’ve got some great gift ideas for your minimalist or self-sufficient friends & family. 

Christmas gift ideas for minimalist self-sufficient friends and family - TexasHomesteader - pixabay by giftpundits

photo credit: pixabay by giftpundits

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