Category Archives: Homesteading Lifestyle

Self Sufficiency on a Texas Homestead

2015 – The Most Popular Homesteading Posts!

by Texas Homesteader ~

So we’ve already shared the top 10 posts in 2013, my very first year writing this blog.  Then last week I shared the top 10 posts from 2014.  Shall we keep the fun going?  I think we should!  Today I’m sharing the top 10 most popular posts from 2015.  That’s the year I first shared my light & fluffy sandwich bread recipe.  (Oh how I tried for years & FAILED at making fluffy bread!)  I also share the important thing to remember when you’re reading your friend’s Facebook posts. And there was a 30-day challenge at a grocery spending freeze (interesting things learned there!)  There are some fun recipes and some Homestead Hacks and way MORE!  Check it out, y’all!

2015 - Top 10 Homesteading Posts of the year! Homemade bread, grocery spending freeze, recipes & MORE! #TexasHomesteader

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2014 – Top 10 Homesteading Posts

by Texas Homesteader ~

Last week I shared with you the top 10 most popular posts from 2013.  It was the year I started this little ole blog of mine at RancherMan’s insistence.  Back then it helped to keep my mind busy while my body healed from breast-cancer surgery.  But I loved it and continued on even after my doc gave me the go-ahead to return to ranch work.  Now let’s take a look at 2014.  That year our top most popular posts included my homemade biscuit recipe, tips on decluttering, the very first ‘Use Whatcha Got’ post and more.  Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy this compilation of the top 10 most popular posts from 2014.  Be sure to tune in next week when we take a blast-from-the-past journey to 2015!

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Top 10 Homesteading Posts Of The Year: 2013

by Texas Homesteader ~

I can’t believe I’ve had this little ole blog of mine since 2013.  It’s been a blast for me y’all!  And I’m so humbled and truly thank you – my beloved readers – for strolling this simple-living path with me.  To celebrate the end of the year I thought it would be fun to do a ‘Best-Of’ series of the top 10 posts for each year of the blog.  Yep, the top 10 posts for each year brought right here  in one nice neat package for you to enjoy.

Let’s start with 2013, shall we?  Oh the fun we had that year – all about saving energy with solar screens, my favorite cast-iron-skillet-cornbread recipe and my STILL all-time most popular post, Honeysuckle Jelly.  Come see it all, dear friends.  Next week I’ll share the 10 most popular posts from 2014!

Come see my top 10 Homesteading and Simple-Living Posts of 2013. All the best posts that year, grouped together just for you! #TexasHomesteader

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Hairstyle Simplicity On The Homestead – Lilla Rose!

by Texas Homesteader ~

Several years ago I saw a one-piece infinity-shaped hair clip in my sister-in-law’s hair and I loved it. It was so pretty, so feminine.  I asked her where she got it but she said she couldn’t remember, that she’d had it for years.

Several weeks later I stumbled upon an image of Lilla Rose FlexiClips and excitedly realized that’s the type of clip my SIL had worn!  I bought a couple of those hair clips for myself. Even though I felt they were kinda pricey for a hair clip at about $11 – $15, I found that I loved them.  I ended up buying several more in a couple of different sizes. They’re so feminine and so easy to use – especially when I just wanna sweep my hair back without fussing too much. Y’all know I hate fuss!

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Emergency Preparedness: Cooking Without Electricity Using A Solar Oven & FREE Amazon Prime

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Emergency preparedness is important. When natural disaster hits & the electricity is out, a solar oven can help keep your family fed. Even if the power is out for days or weeks, you only need the power of the sun to cook. 

Don't wait for a natural disaster, make a solar oven part of your preparedness kit now! #TexasHomesteader

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Brand New Baby – Y’all Name The Calf!

by Texas Homesteader ~

Well, well, well, April-the-Giraffe’s baby was finally born. Have y’all watched the live video for the past month? I popped in from time to time but didn’t have enough time to watch too much. But now they’re having folks submit suggestions for the baby’s name.  Guess what – this pretty girl was born on that same day too!!

We're excited about a new baby calf. Howzabout a little fun? I'll let one of you name her! #TexasHomesteader

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