Tag Archives: winter

All our favorite articles about winter in Northeast Texas including photographs posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Minimalist or Self-Sufficient Family & Friends: Gifts They REALLY Want!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Minimalists strive for less consumption and simplicity in their lives & homes. So shopping for the minimalist on your gift list can sometimes be a challenge.  But have no fear, I’ve got some great gift ideas for your minimalist or self-sufficient friends & family. 

Christmas gift ideas for minimalist self-sufficient friends and family - TexasHomesteader - pixabay by giftpundits

photo credit: pixabay by giftpundits

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What To Leave In Your Fall Garden To Provide For Wildlife All Winter Long

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

You can embrace the beauty of autumn while still promoting biodiversity in your garden. When the gardening season comes to a close, there’s still a way your garden can provide… for wildlife!

It’s not what you add, but what you leave that provides so well for birds & beneficial insects when the cold wind blows. I’m sharing things you can leave in your garden to provide for wildlife and create vibrant biodiversity in your garden. 

Fall gardening - What to leave in your garden to provide for wildlife over winter. #TexasHomesteader

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Vegetable Garden Planning Tips – Late Winter Checklist

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I’m sharing vegetable garden planning tips for late winter. Even though planting time is weeks away it’s time to focus on garden planning, companion planting strategy, crop rotation & more. Come see how I’m preparing the veggie garden even during the cold dreary days of winter. 

Even though it's only February & cold outside, there are still garden chores to be done. Come see how I'm preparing the veggie garden. #TexasHomesteader

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How To Simplify Christmas To Reduce Stress & Better Suit Your Family

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Sometimes the holidays turn into a  highly-stressful time when expectations, expenses & time demands grow more & more unattainable each year.

If the holidays have become less than joyful for you it’s time to consider making some changes.

Simplify Your Christmas, Reduce Stress #TexasHomesteader - Pexels by Aurturo Anez

Photo credit: – Pexels by Aurturo Anez

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Planting Seeds in Milk Jugs To Get A Jump On The Season!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Did you know you can make your own mini greenhouse to plant & grow seeds using a plain ole milk jug?

The milk jug offers a warm moist growing environment and protection from the elements for your tender seedlings. Grab some milk jugs & get a jump on the gardening season! 

milk jug garden planting seeds in winter and seedlings. #TexasHomesteader

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