Tag Archives: grief

Our favorite articles about grief, dealing with grief and healing on TexasHomesteader.com

Cherishing Their Paw Prints: Simple Pet Memorial Idea To Honor A Beloved Pet

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is never easy, but as a pet owner it’s a path that you’ll probably experience for yourself at some point (if you haven’t already). Our pets become part of our family and when they pass it’s heartbreaking.

Many people like to create a simple tribute at the burial site for their pets as a final keepsake. Come see what we did to honor our beloved pet. 

After losing our beloved mini-Schnauzer Bailey we made a comforting memorial for her. #TexasHomesteader

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Lessons From Loss: Simplifying The Stress Of Belongings For Those We Leave Behind

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Have you ever had to go through possessions in a parent’s or grandparent’s home when they moved into a nursing home or passed away? It’s overwhelming! We had to do that recently. But valuable lessons were learned.

How do we spare our family from dealing with that immense burden when the time comes for them to go through our things? You’re gonna want to read this, y’all. 

When a loved one passes, heirs come in to clean out the house. See the difficulties we ran into and what to do instead. #TexasHomesteader

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Long-Lasting Comfort: Plant A Tree In Remembrance Of Loved Ones

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

At the loss of a loved one people often gather in remembrance in different ways. Some do balloon releases not understanding the significant damage balloons do to the environment and dangers to wildlife.

Instead, planting a tree actually benefits both wildlife as well as environment while being a source of comfort for years to come.  

Remembrance memorial tree planting - Pistache tree green leaves blue sky. #TexasHomesteader

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Meal Ideas When Bringing Food For A Family

by Texas Homesteader ~  

Whether mourning a death in the family, dealing with illness or even just feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities of a new baby, those going through hardships are often comforted when others bring food.

I’m sharing a list of meal ideas to consider when taking food to a family, whether for illness, grieving families or ‘just because’.

The Gift Of Food: Meal Ideas When Bringing Food To Families #TexasHomesteader

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Don’t Forget This Important Estate Planning Step For Your Heirs

by Texas Homesteader ~

A legal will is important. But it’s also important to preserve private account numbers, passwords, final wishes and more.

Don’t leave your heirs in the dark! Now’s the time to document that important information. This easy estate planning step will help ease their burden after your death.

Documenting electronics passwords and log-in information. Don't leave your heirs in the dark! Now's the time to document those important numbers. This easy estate planning step will help after your death #TexasHomesteader

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