Tag Archives: gardening

Our favorite articles about gardening in zone 8b Northeast Texas, raised-beds, composting and more posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Growing A Sustainable Garden: Easy Tips For Eco-Friendly Practices

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

A sustainable garden is both rewarding and beneficial. I’m showing easy steps and practices for making your own thriving yet eco-friendly garden space. You can create a harmonious balance with nature right in your own yard!

Sustainable Garden tips and tricks - better garden and save money. #TexasHomesteader

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How & Why To Use Raised Beds In Your Garden. Make It Easy On Yourself!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Each gardener sets their garden layout to suit them. Some plant only in-ground, some use raised beds. Others plant in pots or containers. It’s all up to you!

I’m sharing some benefits of planting in raised beds as well as different items I use as raised beds plus cost-saving tips for planting them too! 

Vegetable garden planted in metal raised beds, galvanized cattle trough, black plastic cattle tubs. #TexasHomesteader

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Vegetable Garden Planning Tips – Late Winter Checklist

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I’m sharing vegetable garden planning tips for late winter. Even though planting time is weeks away it’s time to focus on garden planning, companion planting strategy, crop rotation & more. Come see how I’m preparing the veggie garden even during the cold dreary days of winter. 

Even though it's only February & cold outside, there are still garden chores to be done. Come see how I'm preparing the veggie garden. #TexasHomesteader

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What Food Is Growing In My Homestead Garden in May?

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I’m sharing what I’ve planted in my Texas Homestead garden, where you can find those plants and seeds for your own garden and even different ways & recipes I use I enjoy each thing I harvest.

C’mon and walk with me through the garden & let’s see what’s “growing” on these days.

After a rocky start getting the garden going this year, I'm finally getting to the point that I can get outside for light garden work, potatoes, onions, peppers, beans #TexasHomesteader

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