Tag Archives: environment

Our favorite articles about the environment and eco-friendly living posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Tips For Hosting A Fun Yet Low-Waste Party – Eliminate Disposables & Trash

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

How do you host a fun party without all the expensive single-use items simply bound for the trash afterward?

Here are some tips for hosting inexpensive & fun yet low-waste parties. Everything from saving money, low waste dining and fun waste-free party game ideas. 

Low waste inexpensive party ideas reusable dishes, recycling, eco friendly. #TexasHomesteader


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7 Gift Ideas For The Eco-Conscious Mom

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Is your mom environmentally aware? Does she love being gentle with this gorgeous earth we call home?

Well you’re in luck, I’ve assembled a quick list of inexpensive gift ideas to spoil your crunchy, eco-friendly mom this year. Gifts mom will love – c’mon & see! 

Gift ideas for the eco-conscious mom #TexasHomesteader

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Benefits of Using Vine Plants As Mulch: Grow Living Mulch!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Garden plants benefit from mulch to shade the ground. Not only does mulch moderate soil temps during the hot days of summer but it preserves moisture too.

For living mulch I use plants that grow in long vines along the ground. Check out this work-saving Homestead Hack, y’all! 

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Closing The Loop In Charitable Giving – How To Make Your Donations Go Further!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Close the loop! Buying from thrift stores is good for the environment. You support a good cause & often get higher quality at a lower cost too! 

But there’s often a stigma about thrift stores that’s misunderstood. 

Your donated goods to 'charity' don't help their cause. It's the SALE of those goods (and money received) they need. Buying Used From Thrift Stores Is Good For The Environment. You help a good cause & you often get higher quality at a lower cost too! #TexasHomesteader

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