Category Archives: Beekeeping

Beekeeping Tips on a Northeast Texas Homestead.

Frame-Swap Split for Beehives Doubles Your Hive Numbers!

by Texas Homesteader ~

Around the end of March RancherMan & I start thinking about splitting our beehives. Splitting a hive accomplishes 2 things – it expands the number of hives in your apiary. (yea!) But it also gives the bees a little elbow room by putting empty frames in each hive allowing for expansion.

You see, if the bees get to thinking things are too cramped, they’ll swarm looking for more space. And that’s something no beekeeper wants since there’s been lots of time & effort into managing their apiary. We did our splits by swapping empty frames for full ones. It was easy!

We did a hive split by swapping frames - then two hives came from just one! We find this frame-swap method helps both hives to recover quicker. #TexasHomesteader

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Beekeeping: Feeding Your Bees With A Frame Feeder

by Texas Homesteader ~
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Bees harvest their own food. But sometimes during the dearth of summer when not much is blooming, a beekeeper can help keep the bees fed by using a frame feeder filled with a syrup made of sugar & water.

 There are many ways to feed the bees. And there are many feeding devices you can buy & use to accomplish that. But here’s what we do:

There are different ways to feed your bees sugar water when they need a little help. We like using a frame feeder best. #TexasHomesteader Continue reading

Beekeeping – Adding A Honey Super Box to the Beehive

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Honeybees will fill a honey super box with honey. But how do you prepare the hives in advance of adding a honey super box or know when it’s time to place it on your beehives? Read on, dear friends.

Today I’m showing what we do to prepare to harvest that all-natural sweet honey we love!

It's time to add a honey super box to our beehives. The bees will fill it with the sweet honey we crave! #TexasHomesteader

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Wordless Wednesday: Beekeeper’s Delight

by Texas Homesteader ~

A honeybee foraging on blossoms is every beekeeper's delight. We can't wait for our first honey harvest! Stay busy, girl! #TexasHomesteader

Ever since beginning our beekeeping endeavor, I can no longer just merrily bounce across the yard.  Now I’m taking very deliberate steps to assure I don’t accidentally step on one of our honey-makers!


(You can see ALL our posts about beekeeping HERE)

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Beekeeping: Catching A Bee Swarm In A Tree

by Texas Homesteader ~

RancherMan came in from the pastures & told me it was time to suit up, we’ve got a bee swarm to catch. Woo-hoo! 

Apparently he saw a swarm of bees about 15-ft up in a tree right near our pasture gate. We’ve never captured a swarm before so here’s yet one more opportunity to learn something exciting about beekeeping! And maybe get to add a new hive of bees to our group as well.

We recently got the opportunity to catch a bee swarm high up in a tree. But we were able to capture it from the ground! #TexasHomesteader

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Beekeeping: Doing A Walk-Away Hive Split

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

When RancherMan & I first started beekeeping, we found a local beekeeper who sold established hives. Her hives were sold complete with a deep hive box containing frames of honey, brood, bees and a queen.

It’s recommended that you have a minimum of 2 hives so we bought two and started our new beekeeping endeavor.

There are many ways you can obtain your first set of bees. You can buy a Nuc which is a queen with a small amount of bees. Or you can buy a package of bees to put into a full hive box. Or, like us, you can buy established hives.

But sooner or later there comes a time when you’ll need to perform a split. That’s when you split one hive into two. There are several ways to do that, today I’m talking about a walk-away split,

Our hives made it through the winter fine. Now that spring is around the corner production is ramping up. It's time to do a hive split! #TexasHomesteader

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Just 3 Ingredients to MYO Natural Beeswax Lip Balm!


by Texas Homesteader ~
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This natural lip balm is made in minutes using beeswax to soothe & protect your lips. It really couldn’t be easier – only 3 ingredients! There are easy ways to tint it with color as well. Check it out, y’all.

Beeswax Lip Balm. She uses beeswax to make a natural lip balm in minutes. It really couldn't be easier - only 3 ingredients! Check it out, y'all. #TexasHomesteader

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