Transfer To New Blog Site Complete!

by Tammy Taylor

Well, as promised my little ole blog has been moved from a mere extension of our website to its very own website, Texas Homesteader.  (oh I feel so grown up…  LOL)  A big hearty THANK YOU goes out to my Oh-So-Handsome I.T. guy (ie: RancherMan) for his hard work behind the scenes in getting everything transferred over.  A new dawn is breaking on this blog – all your favorite posts are still right here and I plan to pick up where I left off, so sit back & enjoy the ride!

As promised my little ole blog has been moved from a mere extension of a website to its very own location,

Subscribe For Notification

Hopefully all of you who had previously activated email subscriptions for our blog have transferred seamlessly and will now get email notification when posts are published at this location.  If you’ve not yet subscribed and wish to receive an email with each new post published, feel free to Subscribe Here.

At this time I’d like to take a moment to thank you all for being right here, strolling down this voluntary simplicity path with me.  Drop a note in the comment section below and introduce yourself, we’re all friends here!




16 thoughts on “Transfer To New Blog Site Complete!

  1. Cheryl @ Pasture Deficit Disorder

    Woo hoo! Congrats on the new site!

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Thank you, sweet girl! It’s still not complete as there’s still much behind-the-scenes settings, etc. to be tweaked but for the most part… “TA-DAAAAA!!!” 🙂 ~TxH~

  2. JW

    What an accomplishment! I had to create a website for my previous job and it took many hours, (not an IT person other than ordinary computer use).

    I hope you and RancherMan have a wonderful year. Thanks for your blog. Always enjoy.

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Thank you JW – I must pass most of the hearty pats on the back to RancherMan who did the lion’s share of the computery-internetty stuff. LOL I love that you join us here, strolling along this simple-living path. ~TxH~

  3. ColleenB.~Texas

    Looks good. A new year and a new beginning as well as a beautiful photo.

  4. Karen R

    Congratulations Tammy!! Many thanks to RancherMan too!! Wonderful job!! Glad to be here!! Always looking forward!

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      What a sweet thing to say Karen – thank you! I’m so glad you’re here too. ~TxH~

  5. Laurinda

    It looks great to me, too! I’m glad you’re using that same lovely photo of the pond with the steer

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Thanks Laurinda, it’s one of my favorite shots of the pond/barn/cow -that water is smooth as glass and the reflections are lovely. ~TxH~

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Still some behind-the-scenes things for RancherMan to clean up, hopefully readers will be unaffected. Thanks for weighing in, sweet lady! ~TxH~

  6. Cecilia

    Happy New Year! Congrats on the new site…looking forward to reading along .

  7. Laura - CaledonAcres

    well, Hello there friend!! 🙂 I wanted to wish you and yours a very Happy new Year and to extend the thanks to Mr RancherMan for making it all possible in this .net world 😉 Have a prosperous year and looking forward to your posts!

    Best wishes,

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Thank you sweet girl. Step by step we’re getting there. Who knew it was such a pain to move a blog?? LOL ~TxH~


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