Tag Archives: weather

Weather tag for posts at www.TexasHomesteader.com, a blog about Homesteading in Northeast Texas. #TexasHomesteader

Vegetable Garden Update: June

by Texas Homesteader 

Well true to schedule the weather has turned hot here in Northeast Texas but thankfully the garden is still growing  well. I’m pretty excited that I finally got to harvest my first tomatoes of the season. 

Really there’s nothing more special than that first tomato plucked right off the plant, still warm from the sun. I also harvested jalapeno, onion and garlic at the same time, then came inside and made homemade salsa in just minutes. Love it!

Harvesting from the garden has begun in earnest. It won't be long before the oppressive Texas heat halts much of the production so I'm taking advantage now! #TexasHomesteader

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Keeping Cool Inside: Saving Money And Energy With Solar Screens

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Solar screens significantly reduce the heat coming into your home through glass windows. We made our own solar screens in an afternoon!

Read how solar screens save you money keeping that summer heat OUTSIDE where it belongs!

Solar screens on sunny windows can significantly reduce heat coming into your home. #TexasHomesteader

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Welcoming Spring

by Texas Homesteader 

Spring is my favorite time of the year.  I’m not a big winter fan, I hate to be cold and the leafless stick-trees and gray skies just don’t speak to my soul.

Oh don’t get me wrong, I love tucking inside with the fireplace blazing with wood we’ve cut and split ourselves, sipping on hot tea and snuggled on the couch under a fuzzy blanket with my RancherMan. But the season itself makes me long for the green beauty and vibrant colors of spring.

Spring is almost here. Loving life here in NE Texas. #TexasHomesteader

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What’s Making Me Smile These Days

by Texas Homesteader 

Life on the ranch is always busy.  I’ve written before about how pointless it is to wonder what’s on the agenda today, the day has a way of filling up all by itself!  When I was employed in the corporate world I used to get frustrated that my days seemed to blur together. I was being pulled in so many directions that I couldn’t enjoy any of it.

At that time I started making a conscious effort to stop and smell the roses.  Funny that even if you live in the most beautiful place on earth doing something for a living that speaks to your heart and soul, you still have to make a purposeful effort to slow-er-down sometimes and enjoy life around you.  Here are some things making me smile:

I love the subtle hints of spring I’m seeing now.  After the long cold season, that first burst of life from the trees is something I look forward to every year.  And it’s really hard to beat those blazing blue Texas skies!

Old barn. Times are tough for me with a frightening cancer diagnosis. But there's still much I see around me every day that makes me smile. #TexasHomesteader

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Beauty is Wherever You Look For It

by Texas Homesteader

When I lived in the city I noticed that between the ribbons of highway clogged with speeding cars filled with people in a rush to get somewhere there were often beautiful blooming wildflowers in the medians between the sections of 8-lane highways with their large concrete overpasses. I noticed how beautiful these cheery yellow blooms were even though these plants were deemed to be “only weeds” by the powers that be in median maintenance.

How many times had I myself rushed past this sight without noticing the simple beauty? It was then that I began to try to purposefully notice beauty around me. It’s hard to beat the sight of a healthy heifer calf hanging close to mom. Looks like she’s being a typical little diva – striking a pose for the camera.  (aaaaaand turn!)

Taylor-Made Ranch #18-3

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