Tag Archives: ranch life

Our favorite articles about ranch life in Northeast Texas posted on TexasHomesteader.com

POV: If You Do What You Love You’ll Never ‘Work’ A Day In Your Life!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

When my children were growing up and wondering what they would do for a career after they were out of school, I advised them not to follow the money but instead to do what they love for a living and they’d never ‘work‘ a day in their lives

But what does that mean? Come see what it meant to me.

Do what you love for a living and you'll "Never Work A Day in Your Life". How true this wise old statement is! See what it means to me. #TexasHomesteader

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In The Stillness Of A Crisp Fall Morning

by Texas Homesteader~ 

I absolutely love the stillness of a crisp fall morning here on our NE Texas homestead. How I love our lives here! #TexasHomesteader

I absolutely love the stillness of a crisp fall morning here on our NE Texas Homestead.


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Welcoming Guests – Country Style!

by Texas Homesteader ~  

I used to worry about my hosting abilities when entertaining guests here on the Homestead for a few days. Can I measure up to the awesome hosting experiences we enjoy when we stay with them?

Well, I’ve learned that although those city nights are fun, we’re able to welcome our guests just fine… Country Style!

There is never an absence of entertainment right here on the homestead - our guests never get bored! Read about country entertainment. #TexasHomesteader

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Why Not Just Do It Right The First Time?

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Most of you already know that due to health issues I wasn’t able to raise my beloved batch of bottle baby calves this year as I usually do.

And as a result RancherMan purchased bottle-fed calves that had already been weaned to pasture so that I could still enjoy their cuteness.

(Oh how I love him for that)

Why not do things right the first time? We had the misfortune of dealing with an unscrupulous calf seller - lost 2 to disease & had to repair 2 botched castrations. #TexasHomesteader
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The Sad Side Of Ranching – Dishonest Sellers?

by Texas Homesteader~ 

Tough days. I love raising bottle babies each spring but my health prevented it this year. So RancherMan found someone selling a set of bottle babies. They had already been weaned to pasture so that I could still get a dose of that bottle-baby sweetness.

When they were purchased this spring they were brought to our Homestead. Not only to allow me to scratch their cute heads every day but also for us to monitor them to make sure they would all do well in our program.

As they grew larger we began moving them to our offsite pasture to finish growing.

It's a sad fact of ranching life that sometimes you lose an animal to sickness or injury but doubly painful when you lose a calf from the seller's omission #TexasHomesteader
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