by Texas Homesteader ~
Did you know you can make your own gluten-free sweetened condensed milk in literally minutes?? I haven’t actually purchased an expensive can of this milk in years once I found out how easy it is to make myself.
by Texas Homesteader ~
Did you know you can make your own gluten-free sweetened condensed milk in literally minutes?? I haven’t actually purchased an expensive can of this milk in years once I found out how easy it is to make myself.
by Texas Homesteader~
Now that we have our own chickens, eggs are certainly not in short supply. And we also always have bread in the house since you can buy a day-old loaf of french bread very inexpensively and use it for many recipes.
Today I’m making french toast… with a twist! I decided to try to make french toast stuffed with cream cheese & blueberries.
by Texas Homesteader
*contains affiliate link
I love my morning yogurt, y’all. But several years ago I thought to myself “I wonder if I can MAKE yogurt?”
A quick search of the internet showed that I could indeed, and there were several recipes. I’ve never looked back!
I’ve made 1/2 gallon of yogurt about every other week for decades now & it’s shamefully easy!
Plus I make my yogurt in single-serving 1/2 pint glass canning jars so other than the milk jug itself there’s NO TRASH, recycling or otherwise.
I’m happy to share my method with you – the recipe will be included at the bottom.