Mother Earth News: 6 Easy Eco-Friendly Things I Did This Week

by Texas Homesteader ~

Y’all know my veins run green.  I’ve always had an environmental-awareness bend & I always try to tread gently on this big blue planet we live on.  I love Mother Earth & I want to protect her as much as I can.

I try to repurpose when I can, buy used instead of new, grow much of our food and try to keep my footprint light.  Now, I think most people desire to be environmentally sensitive but they might not know where to start.  But I found it’s not a difficult thing to do.  Sometimes it just takes slowing down and thinking about what you do.

Recently I wrote an article for Mother Earth News showing the 6 easy environmentally friendly things I incorporated into my week.  They’re all simple to do and easy to blend into your day.  Check it out!

See 6 super-easy environmentally friendly things I incorporated into my week. They're all quick and easy to incorporate. Check it out! #TexasHomesteader

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5 thoughts on “Mother Earth News: 6 Easy Eco-Friendly Things I Did This Week

  1. Anna of stuffedveggies

    I love your idea for plastic lids! I’ve done the same thing in-a-pinch while traveling, but somehow it never occurred to me to do it at home! Great idea : )

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      I have several different sizes of lids too, Anna. My favorites are the very large ice-cream-tub lids my sis saves for me from her house. ~TxH~

  2. Pat

    Great ideas to cut down on waste going to the landfill. I’ve really liked the tip you shared about freezing broth in soup. I buy 40oz jars of peanut butter so I even put leftover soup in mine for the freezer.
    I don’t put my plastic containers in my microwave, or dishwasher so the seem to hold up forever. I only need to replace them when the leftover thieves (my children) take them home and don’t bring the back!
    Our recycling program does not take glass so I try to buy in paper or loose stuff to cut down on trash. I either recycle or shred to put in the garden.
    I cook alot from scratch so I don’t buy alot of mixes.
    Keep up the great work, I really enjoy your blog and lillte slice of Texas! Oh and Bailey too!!

    1. Pat

      I meant broth in plastic and little slice. Sheesh I need to proof read !

    2. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Awww Pat, what a sweet thing to say. Sounds like you’re really doing well for our good ole Mother Earth – good for you! (I must admit I snickered over ‘leftover thieves’! LOL) Thanks for commenting, I’m so glad you’re here! ~TxH~


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