Category Archives: Uncategorized

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Baby It’s Cold Outside


Gotta love weather in Texas, it can change in a moment! It’s been warm & sunny all week but very cold and damp today – the low for the next 3 days will be in the mid 30’s. Bbbbrrrrr… Good thing we’re well prepared with plenty of firewood, lots of hot tea and some hearty beef stew. Y’all stay warm!


C’mon by & sit a spell!  Come hang out at our Facebook Page . It’s like sitting in a front porch rocker with a glass of cold iced tea.  There are lots of good folks sharing!  And you can also follow along on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram

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Appreciation For A Gentle Herd

A gentle Hereford bull. #TexasHomesteader

Many of you know we recently had troubles with a destructive stocker calf. We had a stocker cow/calf pair that jumped the fence to our neighbor’s pasture try as we may we could not round them back up and bring them to our own pasture again.  We had to hire professional wranglers on horseback to come round them up and load them onto our trailer for us.  In the process of separating them, they ran with the rest of our neighbor’s herd and crashed through fence after fence, destroying all in their path and requiring several days to finally get all bovines to their  rightful pastures. We’re still in the process of repairing all the broken fences!

Of course that destructive calf no longer resides at our ranch, but the troubling experience makes me all the more appreciative for our permanent Hereford herd. Since we interact with our cattle daily they do not see us a foe but as mindful and careful caregivers. Such handing assures our herd is calm and stress free. We enjoyed a familial visit this weekend and I’m perfectly comfortable with my young granddaughter interacting with our herd (with supervision of course). Our Herefords know that life is good at our homestead.

Pushing a baby calf where you want it to go is like trying to push cooked spaghetti across the table in a straight line. LOL #TexasHomesteader


Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! #TexasHomesteader

Our church is hosting a “Trick or Trunk” for the kids tonight. RancherMan & I will be dressing as a cowboy and a cowgirl to hand out candy to the local children.. I always enjoy seeing the little cuties all dressed up. Hope you’re enjoying your day today as well. BOO!


C’mon by & sit a spell!  Come hang out at our Facebook Page . It’s like sitting in a front porch rocker with a glass of cold iced tea.  There are lots of good folks sharing!  And you can also follow along on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram

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Baby It’s Cold Outside


Cold weather's coming! Good thing we're well prepared with plenty of firewood, lots of hot tea and some hearty beef stew. Y'all stay warm! #TexasHomesteader

Gotta love weather in Texas, it can change in a moment! It’s been warm & sunny all week but very cold and damp today – the low for the next 3 days will be in the mid 30’s. Bbbbrrrrr… Good thing we’re well prepared with plenty of firewood, lots of hot tea and some hearty beef stew. Y’all stay warm!


C’mon by & sit a spell!  Come hang out at our Facebook Page . It’s like sitting in a front porch rocker with a glass of cold iced tea.  There are lots of good folks sharing!  And you can also follow along on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram

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Fence-Crashing, Trouble-Making Calves

Trouble-making cattle. Hats off to the cowboys who labored for the duration until both animals were roped and trailered. #TexasHomesteader

This weekend was especially grueling, two full days filled with untamed trouble-making fence-crashing bovines. As I mentioned earlier we had difficulty retrieving two of our stocker cows from a neighbor’s pasture so we asked for professional assistance. Hats off to the cowboys who labored for the duration until both animals were roped and trailered. THANKS GUYS!

But it’s given me a renewed appreciation for our calm, gentle herd here on the ranch. We have no room for wild and destructive animals. Goodbye girl, off to the sale with you! Now back to mending all those fences…


C’mon by & sit a spell!  Come hang out at our Facebook Page . It’s like sitting in a front porch rocker with a glass of cold iced tea.  There are lots of good folks sharing!  And you can also follow along on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram

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Fall Color Beauty – Changing Leaves

Fall Beauty. There's always time to stop for a moment and enjoy the beauty around us. Fall is busy putting on her prettiest dress, take time to enjoy your view today! #TexasHomesteader

Now that our little A.I. calf has finally made his appearance, we’re trying to prepare for winter. The hay supplies have been stored, the winter pasture has been planted / fertilized and the cattle are being rotated through the pastures to… fully utilize the last of the summer grasses. But there’s always time to stop for a moment and enjoy the beauty around us. Fall is busy putting on her prettiest dress, take time to enjoy your view today!


C’mon by & sit a spell!  Come hang out at our Facebook Page . It’s like sitting in a front porch rocker with a glass of cold iced tea.  There are lots of good folks sharing!  And you can also follow along on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram

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The Old Ways

I love to live my life the old way. The way grandma did! #TexasHomesteader

OK I’ll admit it: I really love doing things the old-fashioned way. I mean, how did our grandmothers get so SMART? They certainly didn’t learn this stuff off of the internet, but somehow they just knew…

I love to do things the way my grandmother did, like planting a large garden each year & canning to preserve what we can’t eat fresh.  I feel her presence as I hang laundry under the brilliant blue skies and watch the sheets wave lazily in the breeze. I hear her wisdom when I make from scratch our meals, hand soap, yogurt and cleaning supplies.

Sometimes I think I must have been born about 100 years too late because I love the simple lifestyle, just like grandma did!



C’mon by & sit a spell!  Come hang out at our Facebook Page . It’s like sitting in a front porch rocker with a glass of cold iced tea.  There are lots of good folks sharing!  And you can also follow along on Pinterest, Twitter or Instagram

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