by Tammy Taylor
Dear readers, I need your help! If you Follow Me On Facebook, you’ll know that with the end of the year comes a review of the current year for me. Now that 2015 is coming to a close, I’m reflecting on my workload and planning for 2016.
Do I want to continue the blog as it is? Do I want to change the frequency of my posts? Change up the topics? What’s working, and what could be done even better?
And RancherMan is even suggesting perhaps I write an e-book in 2016. EEEK!
I love writing this blog, (A LOT) but I often feel overwhelmed with the workload involved with running a homestead full time, giving of my time often for community commitments that I feel are important, tending our garden and food preservation chores as well as the time it takes just to run a homestead and still finding time to blog (you fellow bloggers KNOW how much time is needed for each and every post you publish!)
So I’m asking you, my dear friends: What do you like about the blog content, and what do you wish was different? Do you have any suggestions of things you’d like to see? Thanks in advance for all the helpful comments to come!
Another big change that will take place in 2016 is a blog address move. In January my handsome I.T. guy (i.e. RancherMan) will be redirecting this blog content to our new address, Although the content from this page will automatically be redirected to the new site – stay tuned, I’ll be sure to make the formal announcement right here in January when it’s all said & done!
And of course I’d like to take just a moment to thank you all for sharing in this journey with me. My heart is constantly touched by the sweet, thoughtful and insightful comments shared on this little ole blog of mine.
I enjoy following your blog and just liked your Facebook page. I can’t read your posts when I’m home at the cabin (Internet too expensive and show), but when I come to town I get caught up (like today). Change is good to keep you growing and changing with your readers interests, and yours as well. It’s hard to believe that next fall I will have been blogging for ten years. I’ve grown from one to four blogs and it’s a lot like keeping juggling balls in the air. Two aren’t very active, one moderately so, but I devote most of my time to my original blog about float cabin off the grid living. That’s where my interest is the greatest. And I too am working on a book, but it is coming oh so slow. – Margy
I too enjoy your blog just the way it is now. I have learned alot from you about dehydrating, gardening and homestead things in general that I’ve adapted to my city life. Your writing style is like mine–I write like I talk. If you need to do fewer posts I’ll still be here. Thanks for everything you do! Happy and prosperous New Year to you and your Rancherman!!
Your blog is truly one of my favorites. I usually finish reading it with a smile on my face. While your blog is a nice stress reliever for me, you need to do whatever will be less stressful for you. Your faithful readers will understand and support whatever you decide. God bless you and your rancher man.
Happy New Year
I enjoy reading your blog because you are obviously doing what makes you happy. Keep it up. Do what makes you happy.
I really like your blog just as is, especially as I enjoy reading about home, family, and homesteading. I appreciate that you share your life with us, and I know blogging involves a lot of time. I very much agree with Laurinda, who said it was your voice and personality that makes it great. And that you reply to comments makes a big difference, too. It shows that you care about your readers. I will gladly go along with whatever you need to change, as long as you don’t have to give up your blog completely. And even then, I would understand, but I sure would miss you 🙂
Well, I haven’t been a long time follower, but am amazed it took me so long to find you. When I read your input on certain ideas or ways of doing whatever, my reaction is “Yes, now why didn’t I do that or think of that?” etc. Seeing and learning how others deal with what is dealt to them is comforting, reassuring, and at times amusing. If you create fewer posts, you won’t lose this follower. I will say, I do prefer posts with content rather than just pictures, but that is just my preference. It sure doesn’t mean others agree.
I found your blog this year and I enjoy it. I live on a farm in Virginia. We are mostly retired and don’t do too much farming or off farm work any more. I do have a garden and put food away for the winter. I enjoy hearing about your ranch, garden, food, and gifts you make and your hacks. I also enjoy your pictures. So many of the people I know don’t grow a garden any more and I have very few to talk to about gardening that I enjoy hearing how your garden is going. After saying all that I like, I understand that a blog takes a lot of time and it is your blog so you can do what you want with it.
Hope you had a Merry Christmas with your family and will enjoy the New Year. Hopefully the weather will cooperate this growing season and farms, ranches and gardens will do well.
What Laurinda said. I don’t post often, but I really enjoy your blog. 🙂
I will say that I love how is, but am willing to adapt to whatever is best for you! I so enjoy your blog! Some things are ideas that I can use in my own life, and some things that are not necessarily something that I can use at the present time, but since you never know where life will take you it’s best to be prepared! Just do whatever it is that makes your life more fulfilling! We love having you in ours!!
I like your blog as is. :). I’m not into homesteading, but like recipes, green living, etc. and I still enjoy the homesteading stuff. I actually started following your blog because I clicked a link to your blog from somewhere and saw the picture and knew you have to be close to where I grew up (Wright City, OK).
Tammy, I go with the flow so what ever works for you I’ll be happy to follow. I only subscribe to a few blogs and you’re right there at the top. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year! Patti
Do what you feel you have to do. I live vicariously through your stories. Of course I learn so much from your blog. It is a relax full read and gaining knowledge at the same time. Absolutely love your blog and thank you for it.
I agree with Laurinda.
I love your blog and read every post.
But I want you to know that your faithful followers will appreciate any and all that you write for us.
So decrease the frequency if you need to, and write about what interests you, even what seems mundane and everyday topics.
It’s all good!
I love your blog as is, even though I don’t homestead. It’s really your voice, your personality, that makes it great. More chores? Sure! Only once or twice a week? Okay! It’s such a gift to be allowed into your life, that we shouldn’t make demands (except for your dried tomato rounds for pizza-how did you cook those?)
Like your blog as is, but am willing to go along with any changes you make. The very most important issue is your family/ranch/community, not your blog friends. ie continue to blog so long as it works within the framework of your priorities.
Of course you’re right Gail – here’s hoping I’m easily able to strike that balance. RancherMan’s always using the phrase “work smarter, not harder”, I need to assess what I’m doing and come up with the most efficient way to deliver results so I can continue all the facets of this wonderful life I love. Thanks for supporting me! ~TxH~
I don’t have many suggestions as to what to do differently with your blog, I like it the way it is, that’s why I follow you. I also understand the problems with having a blog. My own blog is so stagnant I’m down to two posts for the entire 2015 year, that’s disgusting. We live busy lives, but it’s vital for us to stay in contact with those that think and live the same as us. I am constantly asked by people “how do you make deodorant or laundry detergent or bake bread in a dutch oven?” or “what’s it like to live in a state as big as Texas?” I’m often told, “you should write a blog!” No, I don’t advertise my blog. So… I understand a little of what you are feeling. Follow your gut.
I’d like to see more about the garden, chickens and cows. Those are all things that I enjoy on our farm, so I’m interested in how other people do those things. I’m not usually interested in the recipes, but not because I think they are a bad idea. Our households just have different palates.
Good to know Mel, thanks for weighing in. It’s funny how you just assume your ‘every day’ doesn’t hold much interest for most readers, but apparently that’s not true! ~TxH~
I live about 40 minutes from y’all and it’s hard to find others in the area who are homesteading/ranching/farming and sharing the journey with the public. If you have a list of other local blogs or websites, I’m totally interested in that. We’ve been in the area over a year now and I haven’t found much outside the Farmer’s Markets.
I’m also interested to see how y’all handle the different seasons year round from anything to the ranch, to homesteading, to preserving, and all in between. It’s nice to know what other locals are going through when they are on a similar path to mine.
Happy New Year!
That’s an awesome idea Kori. As a matter of fact I’ve just put the call-out on our FB page for other homesteaders to share their location & blog address – I think that might make a great future post idea as well as a informative resource for our blog readers – thanks for the suggestion! ~TxH~