Tag Archives: repurposing

Our favorite articles about repurposing and saving money & eco friendly living posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Kitchen Hack: Easy Way To Fill Freezer Bags With No Mess!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Just in time for the holidays! I’m sharing a genius kitchen hack to help you more easily deal with all that leftover food.

Did you ever try to fill a plastic zippered bag with food for the freezer? It can get really messy trying to hold the bag while filling it with food. I always make a big frustrating mess.

But I’ve found a super easy way to hold bags open for me when trying to fill them – using something I already have in my kitchen. My canning jar lifters. Check out this clever Kitchen Hack!

Use Canning Jar lifter to hold open resealable plastic bags for food storage. #TexasHomesteader

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How To Make Repurposed Denim Coat-Pocket Hand Warmers

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

These repurposed denim coat-pocket-sized hand warmers are perfect for kids or adults alike! And they’re easily made using repurposed denim scraps, long-grain rice and a few drops of essential oil.

A few seconds the microwave and then tucked into coat pockets, they offer comforting warmth on a cold day. 

Pocket sized denim pocket warmers filled with long-grain rice, scented with essential oil. #TexasHomesteader

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Free Ways To Keep Food Safely COLDER When Traveling!

 by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Going on a picnic or BBQ cookout? Today I’m talking about Keeping Food Cold!

Food safety is important, especially if you’re bringing food from home when the weather turns hot. Come see my tips for keeping your cold dishes safely chilled on the cheap! 

Keeping Food Cold! Let's talk food safety when the weather turns hot. Tips for keeping your cold dishes safely chilled on the cheap! #TexasHomesteader

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How To Make A Large Chicken Water System For CHEAP!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Every chicken raiser knows how important clean water is for their chickens. But chickens like to scratch, sending dirt everywhere. And the water in their fount gets dirty fast.

We came up with a system that provides our chickens plenty of water and that water stays clean. We made the water system ourselves for cheap and you can too! 

How to keep Chicken's water cool and shaded using Cattle panel, shade cloth and sunflowers. #TexasHomesteader

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Cheaper Ways To Raise Chickens! (Making Do With What You Have)

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

It’s fun to raise your own backyard hens. And those fresh eggs can’t be beat! But if you’re not careful, raising those chickens can cost you a lot.

I’m sharing ways to shave the cost of raising your own chickens by using things you probably already have. 

How to save money when raising Laying Hens Chickens. #TexasHomesteader

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